The report is divided into three report -the first one is for data categories vs KPIs -second one is for employees vs KPIs which measures how good the employee's performance is - third one is for the items the KPIs measures the fisrt dashboard :- on the top of the dashboard will find four slicers to filter data to get a specific insight then the rest of the visualizations is about each data category vs the average KPIs rates except for the map (the map is showing every region's rate) the whole dashboard is connected to each other, so interacting with one visualization will affect the whole dashboard the second dashboard:- on the top of the dashboard will find four slicers to filter data to get a specific insight Then the rest of the visualizations is about each employee vs the average KPIs rates except for the region vs KPIs average (the plot is showing every region's rate) also the whole dashboard is connected to each other, so interacting with one visualization will affect the whole dashboard the third dashboard:- on the top of the dashboard will find four slicers to filter data to get a specific insight then the rest of the visualizations is about the items found in the dataset (البنود) the way those insights is calculated is by using DAX language to calculate the mean of the means