
Apache Twill examples

Primary LanguageJava

Apache Twill

This repo contains some examples of using Apache Twill API to run YARN applications on top of HDFS.

What is Apache Twill !

Apache Twill is an abstraction over Apache Hadoop® YARN that reduces the complexity of developing distributed applications, allowing developers to focus instead on their application logic. Apache Twill allows you to use YARN’s distributed capabilities with a programming model that is similar to running threads.

You can find the official documentation here


1- Single Node or Cluster installation of Hadoop with YARN (Hadoop >= 2.2.0) set-up and running.
2- Single Node or Cluster installation of ZooKeeper set-up and running

To run the examples:

Inside the projects

mvn clean install 

Then take the jar file produced from the operation to any node in the cluster running hadoop and run this command

java -cp <the jar file path>:'hadoop classpath' com.mycompany.helloworld_twill.App <zookeeper ip adress host:port>