


  • If you already have downloaded python3 before, you do not have to download it again
  • If you do not have python3 installed, go to the link below and download python3

Download libraries

  • Type the following in your terminal
pip3 install opencv-python argparse

PNG files

If you are dealing with dicom files, you need to convert the files into PNG format. Please refer to

1. When you have PNG files in png folder

1.1 How the folder should look like

├─ png

1.2 Run python file

  • Type the following in your terminal
cd <<path to Landmark-Annotator Folder>>

2. When you have PNG files in other folder

2.1 How the folder should look like

├─ <<name of the png folder>>

2.2 Run python file

  • Type the following in your terminal
cd <<path to Landmark-Annotator Folder>>
python3 --path <<name of the png folder>>

For example, if your folder name is human_data,

cd <<path to Landmark-Annotator Folder>>
python3 --path human_data

3. How to annotate the markers

  • left click: every time you do a click, there will be a red dot generated in the image and coordinates of the red dot will be extracted

  • b: when you annotate the wrong point, press b and the dot will be erased

  • n: when you are done with one image, press n and you can move on to the next image

  • q: when you are done with annotating, press q and program will be terminated

  • After executing the file, you will have a txt file that has current date + current time + folder name.txt

Update on functions (2023.12.09)

  • checkpoint: your checkpoint will be created in checkpoint folder in the name of your path
    • Even if you restart the program, if you have already done an annoation, this program will skip the image
    • If you want to re-annotate an image that you have already annotated without using the p fuction, just erase the name of the image in the checkpoint/<<name of path>>.txt file
  • p: when you want to go to previous image, press p and you can move to the previous image.
    • If you go back to a specific image and re-annotate and move to the next images, the previous annotation will be overlapped with the new annotation
    • If you do not do any annotations, it will just skip the image without overlapping any annotations


Most of the initial stage code has used example from