
πŸ‘ΎπŸ“ˆ A strongly typed library to operate with the Kraken Crypto Exchange

Primary LanguageTypeScriptCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


A strongly typed library to operate with the Kraken Crypto Exchange

Quick-Start β€’ About β€’ Usage β€’ Documentation β€’ Acknowledgments

πŸš€ Quick-Start

1.- Add the dependency to your js/ts project: npm i ts-kraken

2.- Optionally add KRAKEN_API_KEY and KRAKEN_API_SECRET to your .env (only if you intend to use private methods, i.e. add orders or fetch balances)

3.- Test the repl-cli with npx ts-kraken or find code-snippets examples for the methods you want to import in the documentation.

import {
} from "ts-kraken";

getWsAuthToken().then(async (token) => {
  console.log({ token });

  /* Fetch latest 50 closed orders and logs them */
    .then((lastClosedOrdersArr) => {
      const closedOrders = lastClosedOrdersArr
        .map(({ orderid, descr: { order } }) => ({ orderid, order }));


  /* Print any updates in the private `balances` channel */
  const balances$ = await privateWsSubscription({
    channel: "balances",
    params: { snapshot: true },
  }, token); // Pass token here to save time as the library won't need to fetch one internally!

  balances$.subscribe(({ data }) => {

  /* Track 5m candles updates */
  const fiveMinsBtcUsdCandles$ = publicWsSubscription({
    channel: "ohlc",
    params: { symbol: ["BTC/USD"], interval: 5, snapshot: false },

  fiveMinsBtcUsdCandles$.subscribe(({ data: [{ open, high, low, close }] }) => {
    console.log({ open, high, low, close });
}).catch((error) => {
  console.log({ error });

ℹ️ About this project

ts-kraken is a strongly-typed Typescript Library that will help you operating via code or shell with the Kraken Crypto Exchange

  • Easily operate with Kraken REST and WebSocketV2 APIs

  • Use ts-kraken helper methods to build your own trading bots

  • Subscribe to custom streams of data combining the RxJS Observables returned by the WebsocketV2 methods

  • Get advantage of modern IDEs Typescript integrations (code autocompletion, suggested imports, etc.)

It also features an interactive node REPL-cli to operate via command-shell or leave a socket open printing all updates to the terminal with a nice jq format πŸ€“

  • Kraken UI down durig high traffic or maintenance? You can still use the APIs!

  • Use any of the available REST methods directly from your terminal

  • Print nicely formatted data updates coming directly from WebsocketV2 subscriptions

πŸ› οΈ Usage

Use the library in your TypeScript/JS project:

(click to extend πŸ‘‡)

Get IDE code-suggestions for any REST or WS request you need

cd dependant/project/path && npm i ts-kraken


Use the REPL-cli

(click to extend πŸ‘‡)

You can create a .env file that the repl-cli will try to read from cwd (current working directory):

  • touch .env

Use the following format:

# .env's file content holding your API key/secret


Launch the REPL directly on your terminal with npx:

Quickest way to test it! πŸš€ (will automatically download the library as a global npm package if you don't run npm i ts-kraken first)

  • npx ts-kraken

Set it up in a standalone directory:

Recommended if planning to use regularly and/or modify core functionality

  • git clone https://github.com/yeikiu/ts-kraken

  • cd ts-kraken

  • npm i

  • npm run kraken-repl

Open a PR with any addition/change proposal you have!


REPL commands

(click to extend πŸ‘‡)

The following list includes only a subset sample of all possible commands you could generate for the .get and .post methods:

.exit       πŸ‘‰ Exit the REPL


.help       πŸ‘‰ Print this help message


.get        πŸ‘‰ Fetch PUBLIC REST data.

            Usage   >> .get <PublicEndpoint>! <paramA=valueA&param_list[]=value1&param_list[]=value2>? <jqFilter>? <-table>?

            i.e.    >> .get Time .rfc1123
                    >> .get AssetPairs . as $base|keys|map($base[.])|map({wsname,tick_size,pair_decimals,ordermin}) -table
                    >> .get AssetPairs pair=BTC/EUR . as $base|keys[0]|$base[.]|{wsname,tick_size,pair_decimals,ordermin}


.post       πŸ‘‰ Fetch PRIVATE REST data.

            Usage   >> .post <PrivateEndpoint>! <paramA=valueA&param_list[]=value1&param_list[]=value2>? <jqFilter>? <-table>?

            i.e.    >> .post OpenOrders .open as $open|.open|keys|map($open[.].descr.order)
                    >> .post OpenOrders .open as $open|.open|keys|map($open[.].descr) -table
                    >> .post AddOrder ordertype=market&type=sell&volume=0.002&pair=ETHEUR
                    >> .post CancelAll


.privsub    πŸ‘‰ Subscribe to PRIVATE WS stream.

            Usage   >> .privsub <subscriptionName>! <paramA=valueA&param_list[]=value1&param_list[]=value2>? <jqFilter>? <-table>?

            i.e.    >> .privsub balances snap_orders=true .data|map({ asset, balance }) -table
                    >> .privsub executions snap_orders=true .data|map({order_id,side,order_qty,symbol,order_type,limit_price}) -table

.pubsub     πŸ‘‰ Subscribe to PUBLIC WS stream.

            Usage   >> .pubsub <subscriptionName>! <paramA=valueA&param_list[]=value1&param_list[]=value2>? <jqFilter>? <-table>?

            i.e.    >> .pubsub ticker symbol[]=BTC/EUR .data[0].last
                    >> .pubsub ticker symbol[]=BTC/EUR&symbol[]=ADA/BTC&symbol[]=USDT/USD .data[0]|{symbol,last} -table


.setkeys    πŸ‘‰ Load API key/secret (non-persistent, use a .env file to reuse persistent keys)

.showkeys   πŸ‘‰ Display current API key/secret in use


.unsub      πŸ‘‰ Closes WebSocket stream for GIVEN subscriptionName.

            i.e.    >> .unsub ticker
                    >> .unsub executions

.unsuball   πŸ‘‰ Closes WebSocket stream for ALL subscriptions.

            i.e.    >> .unsuball

πŸ”– Documentation

πŸ™ Acknowledgments