
This Repo Contain Some Very pure Ideas that can be presented to be implemented in HachZurich Event

Mind Storming On HachZurich Ideas 2022

This Repo Contain Some Very pure Ideas that can be presented to be implemented in HackZurich Event. this document is going to be coninously updated about possible ideas and expanding them by adding more descriptions, infographics and block-diagrams for working architecture.

1-Using Sentinel Satellite Imagery API to gather Data and process them to predict possible disasters or other predictable events(agriculture, ....)

-datasource: sentinelhub provides data facility

2-Using Cellphone Sensors(Gyroscope, Acclerometer, Magnometer) and possible other sensors like WIFI to predict position of Pedesterians at Indoor Enviroments.

-this is what if completed with an acceptable accuracy can help firefighters if they get lost or get out of connetion