
Rcpp package implementing automatic smoothing for multiple generalized additive models.

Primary LanguageC++

multgam: automatic smoothing for multiple GAMs

The Rcpp package multgam implements the empirical Bayes optimization algorithm described in El-Bachir and Davison (2019), which trains multiple generalized additive models (GAMs) and automatically tunes their L2 regularization hyper-parameters. Moreover, multgam provides automatic ridge penalty for multiple parametric non-linear regression models, where the linear or non-linear functions of inputs are not necessarily smooth but their regression weights are constrained by the L2 penalty with possibly different hyper-parameters.

The package multgam uses R as an interface for the optimization code implemented in C++, and uses the R package mgcv to set up the matrix of inputs, to visualize the learned functions, and to perform predictions.

Table of contents

1. Installation
2. Usage
    2.1. Main training function
    2.2. Supported probability distributions and examples
           2.2.1. Classical exponential family distributions
           2.2.2. Extreme value distribution families
           2.2.3. Examples
    2.3. Extension to new distributions
3. General comments
4. Bugs, help and suggestions
5. Citation

1. Installation

The Rcpp package multgam must be installed from source as follows.

  • Download and extract the directory multgam, which contains the package.
  • In the R file install.R, update the character variable path2multgam with the path to multgam. For example, if multgam has been extracted in your desktop and you are using linux, you could use
path2multgam <- "~/Desktop/multgam"
  • Run the file install.R.

2. Usage

The output/response variable can be a vector or a matrix from a univariate or a multivariate probability distribution, but the log-likelihood for the full dataset must be expressed as the sum of the log-likelihoods for an individual observation. A particular case is independent random observations.

In practice, multgam interprets a GAM as a multiple linear regression model whose weights are subject to the L2 penalty, and computes the corresponding regularization matrices. When the functions of inputs are smooth, splines for example, the regularization matrices are dense and represent the smoothing matrices. When the functions of inputs are weighted sums of predictors, the regularization matrices are the identity matrices, to which the user can assign different regularization hyper-parameters; see the argument groupReg in the function mtgam in Section 2.1.

2.1. Main training function

Train a multiple generalized additive model using the function mtgam as follows

fit <- mtgam(dat, L.formula, fmName="gauss", lambInit=NULL, betaInit=NULL, groupReg=NULL, 
             iterMax=200, progressPen=FALSE, PenTol=.Machine$double.eps^.5, progressML=FALSE, MLTol=1e-07, ...)

with arguments:

  • dat: a list or a data frame whose columns contain the input and the output variables used in L.formula; specific distribution family considerations can be found in Section 2.2,
  • L.formula: a list of as many formulas as there are output variables with additive structures of input variables. For additional information on dat and L.formula see the examples in Section 2.2, or the documentation of the R package mgcv on CRAN. The package multgam has been tested with the basis functions bs="tp" (thin plate regression splines), bs="cr" (cubic regression splines), bs="cc" (cyclic cubic regression splines),
  • fmName: a character variable for the name of the probability distribution of the output variables: "gauss" for the Gaussian distribution, "poisson" for the Poisson distribution, "binom" for the binomial distribution, "expon" for the exponential distribution, "gamma" for the gamma distribution, "gev" for the generalized extreme value distribution, "gpd" for the generalized Pareto distribution, "pp" for the point process approach in extreme value analysis, "rgev" for the r-largest extreme value distribution. Details on their parametrization and specific considerations can be found in Section 2.2,
  • lambInit: a vector of starting values for the L2 regularization hyper-parameters. This should contain as many values as non-zero elements supplied to the argument groupReg, in addition to the number of smooth functions, if any. Default values are provided,
  • betaInit: a vector of starting values for the regression weights. Default values are provided,
  • groupReg: a list of length L.formula describing how the L2 regularization hyper-parameters in the multiple parametric regression models, i.e., non-smooth functions of inputs, should be grouped. Each element of groupReg is a vector referring to a formula in L.formula and contains the numbers of successive input variables in that formula whose regression weights share the same hyper-parameter. If the only term in a formula is an offset, then the corresponding element of groupReg should take the value 0, so the corresponding regression weight will not be penalized. In the default groupReg=NULL, the regression weights of a smooth function of inputs share the same hyper-parameter, but different smooth functions are penalized by different hyper-parameters, and all the remaining non-smooth functions of inputs share the same hyper-parameter. For example, if we have L.formula <- list(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + s(x1) + s(x2), ~ 1), then groupReg=NULL would correspond to one hyper-parameter penalizing the three regression weights of the triple (x1, x2, x3), one hyper-parameter for the regression weights of the smooth function s(x1), one hyper-parameter for s(x2) and no hyper-parameter on the offset of the second output variable. However, if the regression weight of the input variable x1 is constrained by an L2 penalty, and the regression weights of x2 and x3 share the same hyper-parameter, then the groupReg corresponding to that L.formula should be groupReg <- list(c(1, 2), 0), where 1 corresponds to having one hyper-parameter on the regression weight of x1, 2 to having one hyper-parameter on the pair (x2, x3), and 0 for the offset of the second output variable,
  • iterMax: an integer for the number of maximal iterations in the optimization of the log-marginal likelihood and the penalized log-likelihood,
  • progressPen: if progressPen=TRUE, information about the progress of the penalized log-likelihood maximization will be printed,
  • PenTol: the tolerance in the maximization of the penalized log-likelihood,
  • progressML: if progressML=TRUE, information about the progress of the log-marginal likelihood maximization will be printed,
  • MLTol: the tolerance in the maximization of the log-marginal likelihood,
  • ....: additional arguments supplied to the function gam() in mgcv for setting up the input matrix and the smoothing matrices.

In the call to mtgam, the variable fit contains useful outputs for plots, predictions, etc..., as if fit resulted from the function gam() in mgcv. The only exception is the vector sp, which corresponds in gam() to the hyper-parameters for the smooth functions only, whereas in mtgam, sp contains the values of all the hyper-parameters including those described by the non-zero values in groupReg. Following the example given in the description of groupReg above, if we have L.formula <- list(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + s(x1) + s(x2), ~ 1) and groupReg=NULL, then fit$sp would be (lamb1, lamb2, lamb3), where lamb1 would be the hyper-parameter corresponding to the regression weights for (x1, x2, x3), then lamb2 would be associated to the regression weights of s(x1), and lamb3 to s(x2). If groupReg <- list(c(1, 2), 0) then fit$sp would be (lamb1, lamb2, lamb3, lamb4), where lamb1 would be the hyper-parameter corresponding to the regression weight of x1, lamb2 to the pair (x2, x3), lamb3 to s(x1) and lamb4 to s(x2). Further details can be found in Section 2.2.3.

2.2. Supported probability distributions and examples

The function mtgam supports any probability distribution whose log-likelihood is differentiable up to the third order and whose parametrization does not constrain the range values of the functional parameters. We describe the supported parametrizations in the following sections.

2.2.1. Classical exponential family distributions

  • Gaussian distribution: fmName="gauss" implements N(mu, tau), where mu is the mean and tau is 2 log(sigma) with sigma the standard deviation,
  • Poisson distribution: fmName="poisson" implements Poiss(mu), where mu is the log-rate,
  • Exponential distribution: fmName="expon" implements Expon(mu), where mu is the log-rate,
  • Gamma distribution: fmName="gamma" implements Gamma(mu, tau), where mu is the log-shape, tau is -log(sigma), and sigma is the scale,
  • Binomial distribution: fmName="binom" implements Binom(mu), where mu is the logit, i.e., log(p/(1-p)) with p the probability of success.

2.2.2. Extreme value distribution families

  • Generalized extreme value distribution: fmName="gev" implements GEV(mu, tau, xi), where mu is the location, tau is the log-scale and xi is the shape,
  • Generalized Pareto distribution: fmName="gpd" implements GPD(mu, tau), where tau is the log-scale and xi is the shape,
  • Point process approach in extreme value analysis: fmName="pp" implements PP(mu, tau, xi), where mu is the location, tau is the log-scale and xi is the shape. The output variable y (say) in the argument dat of the function mtgam must be an nx(N+2)-matrix, where n is the number of blocks of data that are above the thresholds and N is the largest number of block exceedances. Each of the n rows of the data matrix dat$y corresponds to a block of data and must be filled accordingly. In particular, the first column of dat$y must contain the vector of the n block sizes, i.e., numbers of exceedances above the thresholds, the second column must be the vector of the n thresholds, and the remaining columns must be filled with the threshold exceedances and NA values when the size n_i of the i-th block contains fewer exceedances than N, i.e., when n_i<N. The pp model is still experimental,
  • r-Largest extreme value distribution: fmName="rgev" implements rGEV(mu, tau, xi), where mu is the location, tau is the log-scale and xi is the shape. As the analogue of the point process approach, the output variable y (say) in the argument dat should be an nxr-matrix, where n is the number of blocks of data and r is the pre-specified number of largest extremal data per block. In particular, the values in the rows of dat$y must be sorted in ascending order.

Data from the families gev, gpd and rgev can be simulated using the function

simExtrem(mu=NULL, sigma=NULL, xi=NULL, r=NULL, family="gev")

with arguments:

  • mu: a vector of location parameters for the full dataset,
  • sigma: a vector of scale parameters for the full dataset,
  • xi: a vector of shape parameters for the full dataset,
  • r: an integer for the number of r largest extremal data per block in the r-largest model,
  • family: a character variable which takes either "gev", "gpd" or "rgev",

and output:

  • if family="gev" or family="gpd": a vector of generated data,
  • if family="rgev": a matrix of size nxr, where n is the length of mu and r is the number of r largest extremal data per block. The values in each of the rows are sorted in ascending order.

Return levels (quantiles) from the families gev and gpd can be computed by the function

returnLevel(prob=NULL, mu=NULL, sigma=NULL, xi=NULL, family="gev")

with arguments:

  • prob: a scalar for the probability for which the return level is computed,
  • mu: a vector of location parameters for the full dataset,
  • sigma: a vector of scale parameters for the full dataset,
  • xi: a vector of shape parameters for the full dataset,
  • family: a character variable which takes either "gev" or "gpd",

and output:

  • a vector of return levels corresponding to the probability prob and the functional parameters mu, sigma and xi.

2.2.3. Examples:

The R file examples.R illustrates three key calls to mtgam:

  1. the usage of groupReg on the Gaussian model for example,
  2. the training of a multiple generalized additive models on the supported distributions,
  3. the definition of dat for the pp model (in pseudo-code).

2.3. Extension to new distributions

New families of distributions can be implemented by the user and added to multgam, but for a numerically stable implementation, it is preferable to contact the author at yousra.elbachir@gmail.com who can do this for you.

3. General comments

  • The package is under development and is currently being re-implemented with the object-oriented perspective in mind.
  • The package has been tested with the following basis functions in the argument L.formula in mtgam: bs="tp" (thin plate regression splines), bs="cr" (cubic regression splines), bs="cc" (cyclic cubic regression splines).
  • The point process approach in extreme value analysis, i.e. fmName="pp", is still experimental.
  • The convergence criteria are conservative. If the training does not converge, increase MLTol to 1e-06 or 1e5. If this still does not converge, please report the error to the author following Section 4.

4. Bugs, help and suggestions

Bugs can be reported to yousra.elbachir@gmail.com by sending an email with:

  • subject: multgam: bugs,
  • content: a reproducible example and a simple description of the problem.

Further details on the usage of the package or suggestions for additional extensions can be requested to the author.

5. Citation

Acknowledge the use of multgam by referring to this web-page and citing the paper El-Bachir and Davison (2019) using (bibtex)

  author  = {El-Bachir, Y. and Davison, A. C.},
  title   = {Fast {A}utomatic {S}moothing for {G}eneralized {A}dditive {M}odels},
  journal = {Journal of Machine Learning Research},
  year    = {2019},
  volume  = {20},
  number  = {173},
  pages   = {1--27},
  url     = {http://jmlr.org/papers/v20/18-659.html}


Yousra El-Bachir and Anthony C. Davison. Fast automatic smoothing for generalized additive models. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 20(173):1-27, 2019. Available at http://jmlr.org/beta/papers/v20/18-659.html.