
Before anything, you will need to familiarize yourself with the original GDocs-Export repo.

Read through the guide, and once you have the code working inside the Docker container (e.g. make docker_convert name='example'), continue on to the rest.

Building local files:

  1. Before you build the package, the files that contain the code for the Node.js and Apps-Script add-on will be generic, in the sense that the server-address and server-port will be uninitialized. They're located in ./gdocs-server/code-generics/ and ./apps-script/code-generics/.
  • If you want to use a specific pair IP=$ADDRESS and Port=$PORT to generate the code with, do the following before we start
export ADDRESS='your address'
export PORT='your port'
  • Otherwise, skip this. you will eventually get an interactive CLI that will use your machine's public IP, and port 8080, as the default values.
  1. In order to build the server,
  • first, install the npm packages gulp-cli and forever globally, using:
npm install -g gulp-cli forever
  • next, make sure you're in the ./gdocs-server/ directory, and run the following:
npm install && npm install --only=dev
npm run build
  • for details of what the build command does, package.json and gulpfile.js can be consulted. (in short, substitutes address+port, builds git submodule, and fixes git submodule's Makefile)

Deploying the server:

  • To run the server a child-process of your shell, simply run node file-server.js inside ./gdocs-server.
  • To run the server as a daemon, use forever start file-server.js instead.

Deploying the Add-On:

  • First, you will need to create a new Apps-Script project. The official Google guide is straight-forward for that purpose.
  • Once you have a blank project, manually copy and paste the content of ./apps-script/Code.js into the file in your Apps-Script project (it's your main file), and the content of ./apps-script/server-download.html into a file called server-download.html in your project (you will have to create a new file).
  • In order to test/deploy the Apps-Script project specifically as a Google-Docs Add-On, follow this official guide.