
Streaming coded UDP as a retransmission-free reliable transport-layer

Primary LanguagePython

Streaming Coded UDP

This repo contains the ns-3 implementation of streaming coded UDP, a UDP-based reliable packet transportation scheme powered by streaming coding. This work has been accepted and will be published soon in China Communications:

Y. Li, J. Yu, L. Chen, Y. Hu, X. Chen, and J. Wang, "Packet Transport for Maritime Communications: A Streaming Coded UDP Approach," in China Communications, Sept. 2022.

The raw data from which the figures of the paper are plotted can be downloaded at:


The scripts for processing them are in the datascripts folder of this repo.

The streaming coded UDP implementation is under ns-3.33-scudp/examples/streamc-udp/, which is as an Application in ns-3.33. To run it, first download and compile the streaming code library

$ cd some_folder_outside_ns-3.33-scudp
$ git clone https://github.com/yeliqseu/streamc.git
$ cd streamc && make libstreamc.a

Change the following paths accordingly in ns-3.33-scudp/examples/streamc-udp/wscript, so that ns-3 can find and link to the streaming code library (i.e., libstreamc.a) to perform coding/decoding:


And then

$ ./waf configure --enable-examples --disable-werror --disable-python
$ ./waf build

Run the following command to see available parameters for testing the scheme:

$ ./waf configure --enable-examples --disable-werror --disable-python
$ ./waf build
$ ./waf --run "stream-server-client-sim --help"

For comparison, ns-3.33-scudp/src/internet/model/ also contains BBR and Copa implementations (thanks to @SoonyangZhang for porting them from mvfst). Use the following command to see how to test them and compare with SC-UDP:

$ ./waf --run "mixed-flow-comparison --help"

The FEC-enhanced TCP of the following paper is also implemented, which can be turned on using --tcpEnableFec with mixed-flow-comparison. The implementation is via TCP option. See ns-3.33-scudp/src/internet/model/tcp-option.{h,cc}, tcp-option-fec.{h,cc}, tcp-socket-base.{h,cc} for details (a diff with vanilla ns-3.33 would be helpful).

S. Ferlin, S. Kucera, H. Claussen and Ö. Alay, "MPTCP Meets FEC: Supporting Latency-Sensitive Applications Over Heterogeneous Networks," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 2005-2018, Oct. 2018, doi: 10.1109/TNET.2018.2864192.