
Simple cURL wrapper for Hacklang.

Primary LanguageHackMIT LicenseMIT


Simple cURL wrapper for Hacklang. Basic HTTP client API inspired by node-fetch.


composer require yello/hack-fetch:dev-main

Common Usage

Plain text or HTML

use function Yello\HackFetch\fetch_async;

$response = await fetch_async('https://github.com/');
$body = await $response->textAsync();

echo $body;

JSON response

use function Yello\HackFetch\fetch_async;

$response = await fetch_async('https://api.github.com/users/github');
$data = await $response->jsonAsync();

echo $data;

Simple form post

use function Yello\HackFetch\fetch_async;

$response = await fetch_async(
  shape('method' => 'POST', 'body' => 'a=1'),
$data = await $response->jsonAsync();

echo $data;

Post with JSON

use function Yello\HackFetch\fetch_async;

$response = await fetch_async(
    'method' => 'POST',
    'body' => \json_encode(shape('a' => 1)),
    'headers' => dict['content-type' => 'application/json'],
$data = await $response->jsonAsync();

echo $data;

Accessing headers and other metadata

use function Yello\HackFetch\fetch_async;

$response = await fetch_async('https://github.com/');

echo $response->ok() ? 'OK' : 'NOK';
echo $response->status();
echo $response->headers()['content-type'];

Handling client and server errors

Note that 3xx-5xx responses are not exceptions.

use function Yello\HackFetch\fetch_async;

$response = await fetch_async('https://httpbin.org/status/400');
if ($response->ok()) {
  // status >= 200 && status < 300
} else {
  echo $response->status(); // 400

Handling exceptions

Wrapping the fetch function into a try/catch block will catch all exceptions, including errors originating from core libraries, network errors, and operational errors.

use function Yello\HackFetch\fetch_async;

try {
  await fetch_async('https://domain.invalid');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
  echo $e->getMessage(); // Could not resolve host: domain.invalid


You can use async iterators to read the response body.

use function Yello\HackFetch\fetch_async;

$response = 
  await fetch_async('https://httpbin.org/stream/3');

foreach ($response->body() await as $chunk) {
  echo $chunk;

File download

use function Yello\HackFetch\fetch_async;

$file = fopen($file_name, 'w');
$response = await fetch_async('https://httpbin.org/image/png');
foreach ($response->body() await as $chunk) {
  fwrite($file, $chunk);

File upload

use function Yello\HackFetch\fetch_async;

$file = fopen('test.png', 'r');
$response =
  await fetch_async('https://httpbin.org/anything', shape('file' => $file));

echo $response->status();