Salon Appointment Scheduler

Welcome to Salon Appointment Scheduler project!

1. Instructions

Follow the instructions and get all the user stories below to pass to finish the project. Create your database by logging in to psql with psql --username=freecodecamp --dbname=postgres. You can query the database in your script with psql --username=freecodecamp --dbname=salon -c "SQL QUERY HERE", add more flags if you need to. Be sure to get creative, and have fun!

Don't forget to connect to your database to add tables after you create it 😄


  • Your script needs to finish running after doing any of the tasks described below or the tests won't pass
  • The tests check the script output so don't use clear or other commands which might erase it
  • See examples.txt for example output of a passing script
  • The tests may add data to your database, feel free to delete it

Notes: If you leave your virtual machine, your database may not be saved. You can make a dump of it by entering pg_dump -cC --inserts -U freecodecamp salon > salon.sql in a bash terminal (not the psql one). It will save the commands to rebuild your database in salon.sql. The file will be located where the command was entered. If it's anything inside the project folder, the file will be saved in the VM. You can rebuild the database by entering psql -U postgres < salon.sql in a terminal where the .sql file is.

If you are saving your progress on, after getting all the tests to pass, follow the instructions above to save a dump of your database. Save the salon.sql file, as well as the final version of your file, in a public repository and submit the URL to it on


Complete the tasks below


  • You should create a database named salon
  • You should connect to your database, then create tables named customers, appointments, and services
  • Each table should have a primary key column that automatically increments
  • Each primary key column should follow the naming convention, table_name_id. For example, the customers table should have a customer_id key. Note that there’s no s at the end of customer
  • Your appointments table should have a customer_id foreign key that references the customer_id column from the customers table
  • Your appointments table should have a service_id foreign key that references the service_id column from the services table
  • Your customers table should have phone that is a VARCHAR and must be unique
  • Your customers and services tables should have a name column
  • Your appointments table should have a time column that is a VARCHAR
  • You should have at least three rows in your services table for the different services you offer, one with a service_id of 1
  • You should create a script file named in the project folder
  • Your script file should have a “shebang” that uses bash when the file is executed (use #! /bin/bash)
  • Your script file should have executable permissions
  • You should not use the clear command in your script
  • You should display a numbered list of the services you offer before the first prompt for input, each with the format #) <service>. For example, 1) cut, where 1 is the service_id
  • If you pick a service that doesn't exist, you should be shown the same list of services again
  • Your script should prompt users to enter a service_id, phone number, a name if they aren’t already a customer, and a time. You should use read to read these inputs into variables named SERVICE_ID_SELECTED, CUSTOMER_PHONE, CUSTOMER_NAME, and SERVICE_TIME
  • If a phone number entered doesn’t exist, you should get the customers name and enter it, and the phone number, into the customers table
  • You can create a row in the appointments table by running your script and entering 1, 555-555-5555, Fabio, 10:30 at each request for input if that phone number isn’t in the customers table. The row should have the customer_id for that customer, and the service_id for the service entered
  • You can create another row in the appointments table by running your script and entering 2, 555-555-5555, 11am at each request for input if that phone number is already in the customers table. The row should have the customer_id for that customer, and the service_id for the service entered
  • After an appointment is successfully added, you should output the message I have put you down for a <service> at <time>, <name>. For example, if the user chooses cut as the service, 10:30 is entered for the time, and their name is Fabio in the database the output would be I have put you down for a cut at 10:30, Fabio. Make sure your script finishes running after completing any of the tasks above, or else the tests won't pass