
This code checks a RabbitMq message queue to see if messages are backing up. Sometimes a RabbitMq subscriber fails and messages start backing up. Use this script to set an alert threshold for backed up messages on a queue. Receive email alerts when the message threshold is exceeded.

# This code checks a RabbitMq message queue to see if messages are backing up.
# Sometimes a RabbitMq subscriber fails and messages start backing up.  
# Use this script to set an alert threshold for backed up messages on a queue.
# Receive email alerts when the message threshold is exceeded.
# code compiled by @yellowpark
# this code is free to use under a GNU Lesser General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html

This script is supplied without any warranty whatsoever, in the hope that it will be useful.

To use the script:

1. Change line 17:  to = 'me@mydomain.com' # add the email address to send alerts to
2. Change line 20:  sender = 'no-reply@mydomain.com' # spoof email adress sending the alert email
3. Change lines 23, 24 and 25: edit smtp_server, smtp_user and smtp_pwd with the correct SMTP details for sending email
4. Change line 46:  host = '' # enter the correct host of the RabbitMq server
5. Change line 47:  port = 5672 # enter the correct port used with the RabbitMq server
6. Change line 50:  msgsPending = 100 # enter the threshold value for backed up messages, if exceeded the alert email is sent. 
7. Change line 53:  subscriber = 'file_name.py' # enter the correct filename for the subscriber of this queue (optional)
8. Change line 63:  userid = 'userid', # the rabbitMq userid
9. Change line 64:  password = 'password', # the rabbitMqpassword
10. Execute the script using a cron job