Build a Cross-Platform App for Your Masjid

YourMasjid is a cross-platform app, built using Node.Js, React Native, Expo, and Python.


  • Fancy UI using Material Design.
  • Automatically highlights upcoming prayer times (Azan and Iqamah).
  • Supports the Hijri and Gregorian Dates.
  • Provides the Sunrise time.
  • Send over-the-air push notifications (announcements) to the app using Firebase (can be replaced by FireStore database).
  • Contains "Announcements" section for sharing posts and udpates with YourMasjid users.
  • Works on all platforms: Android, iOS, iPadOS, macOS.
    • Can also be extended to work on Windows 10 or as a web application.
  • Send updates to the app over-the-air without need to access PlayStore or AppStore (using Expo OTA).
  • Handles day light saving corrections automatically.
  • Handles leap year corrections automatically.
  • Easy access to prayer times for the whole year.
  • Log users into Firebase anonymously, no signup required.

Bonus: There is also a Python applet to make it easier to send notifications and posts to YourMasjid app.


  • Node.js
  • React Native
  • Expo
  • Expo Client (Expo Go)
  • Firebase Account

What do you need to do

  • Install all npm dependencies from package.json.
  • Add Azan and Iqamah times to the files AzanTimes.js and Iqama.csv.
    • you can convert CSV files to an array using
  • Put your own Masjid Icon, and add your splash screen into the splash directory.
  • Customize the design and the colors of YourMasjid App.
  • Subscribe to Firebase and add FirebaseConfig to config.js.
    • Create Web app
    • Enable signInAnonymously from sign-in methods
    • In Realtime Database -> Data, set your structure to the following:
    • Add the following inside Firebase-> RealTime Database -> rules section
  "rules": {
    "USERS": {
             "$uid": {
                   ".write": "$uid == auth.uid"  // If node's key matches the id of the auth user
      ".write": false,
  • Edit the name and version of YourMasjid app in package.json, package-lock.json and app.json.
  • Always Test your app using 'Expo Go'.
    • From the command line, run expo start
  • Register YourMasjid app on "Google Play Console" and "App Store Connect", then modify app.json.
  • Publish the app successfully to the stores.

The Python App for Pushing Notifications and Posts

If you want to use the python applet to send notifications and posts to uses over-the-air, consider modyfing the The Python App Directory as following:

  • Follow the steps at Add the Firebase Admin SDK to your server to create your Admin SDK JSON File.
  • Securely store the JSON file containing the key and name it YourMasjid-hub-firebase-adminsdk.json.
  • You may convert your python script into '.exe' file using
    • You will need to install auto-py-to-exe
    • read the file How_to_make_exe_python.txt