
Dynamic UI using static DOM and mobx

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Caution! this is isn't something ready for production; you may try it though in a side project

Getting starts

npm i --save mobx-static-dom

Simple Demo

Sandbox demo

import { h, p, on, render } from "mobx-static-dom";
import { observable } from "mobx";

const state = observable({
  count: 0

export const counterApp = h.h1(
  p.style("cursor: pointer"),
  () => `Count ${state.count}`,
  on.click(() => state.count++)

// assuming your html file contains an element with id="app"
render(counterApp, document.getElementById("app"));
  • Use h to create HTML elements
  • Use p to set DOM properties
  • Use on to attach event handlers
  • Use mobx to create observable values (values that will be changed by your app)
  • When createing HTML elements, wrap dynamic values in a function (() => state.count)
  • Call render to append the created element

Do not append the create elements directly to the parent DOM, it won't work

Dynamic lists of elements

Sandbox demo

import { h, p, on, map, render } from "mobx-static-dom";
import { observable, computed } from "mobx";

const state = observable({
  input: "",
  todos: []

function addTodo() {
  state.todos.push({ title: state.input, done: false });
  state.input = "";

export const todoApp = h.div(
    p.value(() => state.input),
    on.input(event => (state.input = event.target.value)),
    on.keydown(event => {
      if (event.which === 13) addTodo();
  map(() => state.todos, todoView)

function todoView(todo) {
  return h.label(
      () => `
        display: block;
        text-decoration: ${todo.done ? "line-through" : "none"}`
      p.checked(() => todo.done),
      on.click(event => (todo.done = event.target.checked))
    () => todo.title

render(todoApp, document.getElementById("app"));


  • Use map to render dynamic arrays
  • Event handlers are automatically wrapped with mobx actions

Local state

Sandbox demo

function panel(...children) {
  const state = observable({
    isContentVisible: true

  function toggleContent() {
    state.isContentVisible = !state.isContentVisible;

  return h.section(
      () => (state.isContentVisible ? "Hide content" : "Show content"),
      p.style(() => (state.isContentVisible ? visibleStyle : collapsedStyle)),
  • Simply declare local state inside your function
  • Children elements are passed as ordinary function arguments

Simple router (dynamic element)

Sandbox demo

import { h, p, on, dynamic } from "mobx-static-dom";
import { observable } from "mobx";
import { createBrowserHistory } from "history";

export const history = createBrowserHistory();

export function router(config) {
  const state = observable({
    currentView: config(history.location.pathname)

  history.listen((location, action) => {
    console.log(action, location.pathname, location.state);
    state.currentView = config(history.location.pathname);

  // switch the current view
  return dynamic(() => state.currentView);

export function link(path, label) {
  return h.a(
    on.click(event => {
      if (path === history.location.pathname) return;
  • Use dynamic to create dynamically changing HTML elements
  • Note the dynamic dierctive mounts a new instance of the wrapped element, so the internal state is gone when you switch back to the same element.