
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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A Google Material Design based UI Library for the Aurelia platform.

To keep up to date on Aurelia, please visit and subscribe to the official blog. If you have questions, we invite you to join us on our Gitter Channel.


Plugins are found in ./__plugins.

Demo Application is found in ./src.

HTML We are using HTML for our views, however, you are able to use jade(Though we still recommend using HTML)

Flex-Box We are using Flex-Box to build this library.

Components We are implementing a multitude of components from other Frameworks & Libraries.

The Library


  • Buttons
  • Actions
  • Tabs
  • Collections
  • Collapsible
  • Select
  • Typehead
  • Dropdown
  • Modal
  • Dialog
  • Progress
  • Card
  • DataGrid
    • Grouping
    • Dragging
  • Table
  • Shadows
  • Grid
  • Color
  • Draggable


  • ui-main
  • ui-body
  • ui-section
  • ui-nav
  • ui-aside
  • ui-header
  • ui-footer
  • ui-view
  • ui-grid
  • ui-custom


  • uiLayoutService
  • uiToggle
  • uiAnimate
  • uiWaves
  • uiText
  • uiBg

####Under Development:

  • Layout
    • ui-nav
    • ui-aside
    • ui-body
    • ui-main
    • ui-view

Eventually plugins will be in individual repos. The overall architecture is currently a work in progress.

Please Note that any changes made to the Dev environment may be overwritten at any time.

Running The App

  1. Ensure that NodeJS, Gulp, and Jspm are installed. These provides the development environment on which the build tooling runs.

Note: GitHub has a rate limit on anonymous API requests. It is advised that you configure jspm with your GitHub credentials in order to avoid problems. You can do this by executing jspm endpoint config github and following the prompts.

  1. Install the client-side dependencies with jspm:
jspm install -y

Note: Windows users, if you experience an error of "unknown command unzip" you can solve this problem by doing npm install -g unzip and then re-running the command.

  1. To run the app, execute the following command:
gulp watch
  1. Open http://localhost:9000 in your browser to see the app. The webpage will automatically refresh itself as you save files inside the project.

Running The Unit Tests

To run the unit tests, first ensure that you have followed the steps above in order to install all dependencies and successfully build the library. Once you have done that, proceed with these additional steps:

  1. Ensure that the Karma CLI is installed. If you need to install it, use the following command:
npm install -g karma-cli
  1. Install Aurelia libs for test visibility:
jspm install aurelia-framework
jspm install aurelia-http-client
jspm install aurelia-router
  1. You can now run the tests with this command:
karma start

Running The E2E Tests

Integration tests are performed with Protractor.

  1. Place your E2E-Tests into the folder test/e2e/src
  2. Install the necessary webdriver
gulp webdriver_update
  1. Configure the path to the webdriver by opening the file protractor.conf.js and adjusting the seleniumServerJar property. Typically its only needed to adjust the version number.

  2. Run the E2E-Tests

gulp e2e