
A jQuery Datagrid done right.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

jTable - jQuery Datagrid done right

jTable JS project

jtable-rails RubyGem

jTable.net source

To Use:

<div id="widgets"></div>

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
  $(document).ready(function() {
      columns: [
        {heading: "Column 1", attribute: "attribute_1"},
        {heading: "Column 2", attribute: "attribute_2"},
        {heading: "Column 3", attribute: "attribute_3"}


  • identifierAttribute:
    • Default: "id"
    • This attribute will be used to identify each record in the table.
  • singleColumnSearch:
    • Default: false
    • Enable single column search for all searchable columns.
  • perPage:
    • Default: 25
    • The default number of items displayed per page.
  • perPageOptions:
    • Default: [25,50,100]
    • The possible selections for the number of items displayed per page.
  • fullPagination:
    • Default: true
    • Show page numbers.
  • ajaxInterval:
    • Default: 250
    • The amount of time (in ms) to wait for more user input before sending server request.
  • noItemsMsg:
    • Default: "No Records were found."
    • The text displayed when no records are returned for the current query.
  • rowClass:
    • Default: ""
    • CSS classes to be added to each records table row. Multiple classes should be space separated.
  • width:
    • Default: ""
    • CSS width to be applied to the container.
  • indexUrl:
    • Default: ""
    • The URL where all query calls are sent.
  • viewLink:
    • Default: true
    • Show the "View" link on each record.
  • viewUrl:
    • Default: "?id=:id:"
    • The URL for the "View" link. The value of a records attributes can be substituted into the URL by using :attribute: (see the "Record URLs" section below).
  • inlineView:
    • Default: true
    • Display the view in the table.
  • editLink:
    • Default: true
    • Show the "Edit" link on each record.
  • editUrl:
    • Default: "edit?id=:id:"
    • The URL for the "Edit" link. The value of a records attributes can be substituted into the URL by using :attribute: (see the "Record URLs" section below).
  • destroyLink:
    • Default: true
    • Show the "Destroy" link on each record.
  • destroyUrl:
    • Default: "?id=:id:"
    • The URL for the "Destroy" link. The value of a records attributes can be substituted into the URL by using :attribute: (see the "Record URLs" section below).
  • onDestroy:
    • Default: function(data){}
    • Function to run when the destroy ajax call returns successful. The destroy ajax call's response is passed into the function.
  • destroyConfirmMsg:
    • Default: "Are you sure?"
    • Message to use in confirmation before the destroy request is sent.
  • otherActions:
    • Default: []
    • An array of objects that are used to generate links thats are added to each records actions.
    • Action options:
      • title: This will be the text of the link
      • All other attributes will be applied as HTML attributes of the link. The value of a records attributes can be substituted into each HTML attribute value by using :attribute: (see the "Record URLs" section below).
  • columns:
    • Default: []
    • An array of objects that are used to for generating the tables columns (see the "Column Options" section below).

Record URLs

For Widget with attributes {id: 37, name: 'Thingy'} /widgets/:id:?name=:name:, will produce /widgets/37?name=Thingy.

Column Options

  • searchable:
    • Default: true
    • Enable searching for this column
  • sortable:
    • Default: true
    • Enable sorting for this column
  • dataType:
    • Default: "string"
    • What type of attribute is this column (ex. string, boolean).
  • trueValue:
    • Default: "True"
    • The text displayed for a true value in a boolean dataType column.
  • falseValue:
    • Default: "False"
    • The text displayed for a false value in a boolean dataType column.
  • columnClass:
    • Default: ""
    • CSS classes to be added to this column for each record. Multiple classes should be space separated.