Build on the top of Le Wagon React boilerplate.
Don't do the install below if you are a LW alumni
- Install NodeJS (
- Install Yarn (
- Install Webpack (
On a terminal do:
git --version
cd ~/Desktop
git clone react-giphy
cd react-giphy
rm -rf .git
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial setup ready for workshop"
cd workshop
yarn install
yarn start
Open the "react-giphy" folder with SublimeText or VS Code
In your browser go to this url: localhost:8080
Don't do the install below if you are a LW alumni
- Install NodeJS (
- Install Git (, during the installation select the option "use git from a Win command prompt"
- Install Yarn (
- Install Webpack (
Search for "Node.js prompt" in the Win menu search bar (or your normal terminal for LW students), open it and tap (press Enter after each line):
cd Desktop
git clone react-giphy
cd react-giphy
rm -rf .git
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial setup ready for workshop"
cd workshop
yarn install
yarn start
Open the "react-giphy" folder with SublimeText or VS Code
In your browser go to this url: localhost:8080
- Go to SublimeText > Preferences > Package Control
Search for "Package Control: Install Package" and press Enter
In the appearing list, search for "Babel" and press Enter
Same operations for "Babel Snippets" (some doc here)
Got to SublimeText > Preferences > Key Bindings
Add the code of this link on the right side.
- Go to Code > Preferences > Extensions
Search and install "Reactjs code snippets" (some doc here)
To start the local Webpack Dev Server (usually on port 8080):
yarn start
To lint all JavaScript files in the src folder:
yarn lint
To build and deploy your app to gh-pages branch on the GitHub repo:
Install gh
: (not needed for LW alumni)
gh repo create react-giphy
git push origin master
yarn deploy