This is a small .NET Core library that enables easy C# code generation based on Classes and its elements.
It has ability to create ClassModels
, specify their Members (Constructor
, Field
, Property
, Method
) including Attributes
and Parameters
and write it to .cs files.
Defining namespace
and using
Directives is supported as well.
Library can also generate Enums
and Interfaces
, and create NestedClasses
inside parent class.
- Install nuget package (latest version 1.0.2) 'Install-Package CsCodeGenerator'
- Following is first example of ComplexNumber class and then creating its ClassModel for writing to Complex.cs
Class we want to generate:
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace CsCodeGenerator.Tests
[Description("Some class info")]
public partial class ComplexNumber : SomeBaseClass, NumbericInterface
protected const double PI = 3.14;
private string remark;
public ComplexNumber() { }
public ComplexNumber(double real, double imaginary = 0)
Real = real;
Imaginary = imaginary;
public static string DefaultFormat { get; } = "a + b * i";
public double Real { get; set; }
public double Imaginary { get; set; }
public virtual string Remark
get { return remark; }
set { remark = value; }
public double Modul()
return Math.Sqrt(Real * Real + Imaginary * Imaginary);
public ComplexNumber Add(ComplexNumber input)
ComplexNumber result = new ComplexNumber();
result.Real = Real + input.Real;
result.Imaginary = Imaginary + input.Imaginary;
return result;
// example of 2 KeyWords(new and virtual), usually here would be just virtual
public new virtual string ToString()
return $"({Real:0.00}, {Imaginary:0.00})";
Code to do it:
var usingDirectives = new List<string>
"using System;",
"using System.ComponentModel;"
string fileNameSpace = $"{Util.Namespace} CsCodeGenerator.Tests";
string complexNumberText = "ComplexNumber";
ClassModel complexNumberClass = new ClassModel(complexNumberText);
complexNumberClass.SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Partial; //or: complexNumberClass.KeyWords.Add(KeyWord.Partial);
complexNumberClass.BaseClass = "SomeBaseClass";
var descriptionAttribute = new AttributeModel("Description")
SingleParameter = new Parameter(@"""Some class info""")
complexNumberClass.DefaultConstructor.IsVisible = true;
Constructor secondConstructor = new Constructor(complexNumberClass.Name);
secondConstructor.Parameters.Add(new Parameter(BuiltInDataType.Double, "real"));
secondConstructor.Parameters.Add(new Parameter(BuiltInDataType.Double, "imaginary") { Value = "0" });
secondConstructor.BodyLines.Add("Real = real;");
secondConstructor.BodyLines.Add("Imaginary = imaginary;");
var fields = new Field[]
new Field(BuiltInDataType.Double, "PI") { SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Const, DefaultValue = "3.14" },
new Field(BuiltInDataType.String, "remark") { AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private },
}.ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a);
var properties = new Property[]
new Property(BuiltInDataType.String, "DefaultFormat")
SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Static,
IsGetOnly = true,
DefaultValue = @"""a + b * i"""
new Property(BuiltInDataType.Double, "Real"),
new Property(BuiltInDataType.Double, "Imaginary"),
new Property(BuiltInDataType.String, "Remark")
SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Virtual,
IsAutoImplemented = false,
GetterBody = "remark",
SetterBody = "remark = value"
}.ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a);
var methods = new Method[]
new Method(BuiltInDataType.Double, "Modul")
BodyLines = new List<string> { "return Math.Sqrt(Real * Real + Imaginary * Imaginary);" }
new Method(complexNumberText, "Add")
Parameters = new List<Parameter> { new Parameter("ComplexNumber", "input") },
BodyLines = new List<string>
"ComplexNumber result = new ComplexNumber();",
"result.Real = Real + input.Real;",
"result.Imaginary = Imaginary + input.Imaginary;",
"return result;"
new Method(BuiltInDataType.String, "ToString")
Comment = "example of 2 KeyWords(new and virtual), usually here would be just virtual",
KeyWords = new List<KeyWord> { KeyWord.New, KeyWord.Virtual },
BodyLines = new List<string> { "return $\"({Real:0.00}, {Imaginary:0.00})\";" }
}.ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a);
complexNumberClass.Fields = fields;
complexNumberClass.Properties = properties;
complexNumberClass.Methods = methods;
FileModel complexNumberFile = new FileModel(complexNumberText);
complexNumberFile.Namespace = fileNameSpace;
complexNumberFile.Classes.Add(complexNumberClass.Name, complexNumberClass);
CsGenerator csGenerator = new CsGenerator();
csGenerator.Files.Add(complexNumberFile.Name, complexNumberFile);
csGenerator.CreateFiles(); //Console.Write(complexNumberFile);
|---Constructors (DefaultConstructor first)
| |---Attributes
| | |--- Parameters
| |
| |---Parameters
| |---Attributes
| | |--- Parameters
| |
| |---Parameters
| |---Attributes
| | |--- Parameters
| |
| |---Parameters
|---NestedClasses (recursively)
|--- ...