
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This is a small .NET Core library that enables easy C# code generation based on Classes and its elements.
It has ability to create ClassModels, specify their Members (Constructor, Field, Property, Method) including Attributes and Parameters and write it to .cs files.
Defining namespace and using Directives is supported as well.
Library can also generate Enums and Interfaces, and create NestedClasses inside parent class.


How to use it

  1. Install nuget package (latest version 1.0.2) 'Install-Package CsCodeGenerator'
  2. Following is first example of ComplexNumber class and then creating its ClassModel for writing to Complex.cs

Class we want to generate:

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace CsCodeGenerator.Tests
    [Description("Some class info")]
    public partial class ComplexNumber : SomeBaseClass, NumbericInterface
        protected const double PI = 3.14;
        private string remark;

        public ComplexNumber() { }

        public ComplexNumber(double real, double imaginary = 0)
            Real = real;
            Imaginary = imaginary;

        public static string DefaultFormat { get; } = "a + b * i";

        public double Real { get; set; }

        public double Imaginary { get; set; }

        public virtual string Remark
            get { return remark; }
            set { remark = value; }

        public double Modul()
            return Math.Sqrt(Real * Real + Imaginary * Imaginary);

        public ComplexNumber Add(ComplexNumber input)
            ComplexNumber result = new ComplexNumber();
            result.Real = Real + input.Real;
            result.Imaginary = Imaginary + input.Imaginary;
            return result;

        // example of 2 KeyWords(new and virtual), usually here would be just virtual
        public new virtual string ToString()
            return $"({Real:0.00}, {Imaginary:0.00})";

Code to do it:

var usingDirectives = new List<string>
    "using System;",
    "using System.ComponentModel;"
string fileNameSpace = $"{Util.Namespace} CsCodeGenerator.Tests";
string complexNumberText = "ComplexNumber";

ClassModel complexNumberClass = new ClassModel(complexNumberText);
complexNumberClass.SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Partial; //or: complexNumberClass.KeyWords.Add(KeyWord.Partial);
complexNumberClass.BaseClass =  "SomeBaseClass";

var descriptionAttribute = new AttributeModel("Description")
    SingleParameter = new Parameter(@"""Some class info""")

complexNumberClass.DefaultConstructor.IsVisible = true;

Constructor secondConstructor = new Constructor(complexNumberClass.Name);
secondConstructor.Parameters.Add(new Parameter(BuiltInDataType.Double, "real"));
secondConstructor.Parameters.Add(new Parameter(BuiltInDataType.Double, "imaginary") { Value = "0" });
secondConstructor.BodyLines.Add("Real = real;");
secondConstructor.BodyLines.Add("Imaginary = imaginary;");

var fields = new Field[]
    new Field(BuiltInDataType.Double, "PI") { SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Const, DefaultValue = "3.14" },
    new Field(BuiltInDataType.String, "remark") { AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private },
}.ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a);

var properties = new Property[]
    new Property(BuiltInDataType.String, "DefaultFormat")
        SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Static,
        IsGetOnly = true,
        DefaultValue = @"""a + b * i"""
    new Property(BuiltInDataType.Double, "Real"),
    new Property(BuiltInDataType.Double, "Imaginary"),
    new Property(BuiltInDataType.String, "Remark")
        SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Virtual,
        IsAutoImplemented = false,
        GetterBody = "remark",
        SetterBody = "remark = value"

}.ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a);

var methods = new Method[]
    new Method(BuiltInDataType.Double, "Modul")
        BodyLines = new List<string> { "return Math.Sqrt(Real * Real + Imaginary * Imaginary);" }
    new Method(complexNumberText, "Add")
        Parameters = new List<Parameter> { new Parameter("ComplexNumber", "input") },
        BodyLines = new List<string>
            "ComplexNumber result = new ComplexNumber();",
            "result.Real = Real + input.Real;",
            "result.Imaginary = Imaginary + input.Imaginary;",
            "return result;"
    new Method(BuiltInDataType.String, "ToString")
        Comment = "example of 2 KeyWords(new and virtual), usually here would be just virtual",
        KeyWords = new List<KeyWord> { KeyWord.New, KeyWord.Virtual },
        BodyLines = new List<string> { "return $\"({Real:0.00}, {Imaginary:0.00})\";" }
}.ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a);

complexNumberClass.Fields = fields;
complexNumberClass.Properties = properties;
complexNumberClass.Methods = methods;

FileModel complexNumberFile = new FileModel(complexNumberText);
complexNumberFile.Namespace = fileNameSpace;
complexNumberFile.Classes.Add(complexNumberClass.Name, complexNumberClass);

CsGenerator csGenerator = new CsGenerator();
csGenerator.Files.Add(complexNumberFile.Name, complexNumberFile);
csGenerator.CreateFiles(); //Console.Write(complexNumberFile); 

GeneratorModel Composition Structure:

		|---Constructors (DefaultConstructor first)
		|	|---Attributes
		|	|	|--- Parameters
		|	|
		|	|---Parameters
		|	|---Attributes
		|	|	|--- Parameters
		|	|
		|	|---Parameters
		|	|---Attributes
		|	|	|--- Parameters
		|	|
		|	|---Parameters
		|---NestedClasses (recursively)
			|--- ...