
Web Application for Thingaha Donation Management

Primary LanguagePython

Thingaha Donation Project

thingaha-web is a web application to make life easier for thingaha donation group monthly donation data tracking and workflows.



  1. Flask with python3
  2. PostgreSQL == 12.3

Environment setup

  • install anaconda from anaconda webpage
  • install pgadmin4 (optional)
  • create the database with username,password in conf_dev, conf_test
create virtual environment
conda create -n <envname>
conda activate <envname>
pip install -r ~/thingaha/backend/requirements.txt
  • DB migrate
for linux, macOS -> go backend/bin and run -> ./db_migrate.sh
for windows -> go to backend\bin and run -> db_migrate.bat

  • DB Seed
for linux, macOS -> go backend/bin and run -> ./db_seed.sh
for windows -> go to backend\bin and run -> db_seed.bat
  • ERD Diagram for Thingaha Project

alt text

  • Start the server
for linux, macOS -> go backend/bin and run -> ./start_app.sh
for windows -> go to backend\bin and run -> start_app.bat
  • Start using API
- Default server port is 5000: 
- All API required JWT token for access data 
- Get the access token from login. 
    -- init user_email: moemoe@gmail.com
    -- init user_pass: 123
    -- login URL : => 
        -- [POST] http://localhost:5000/api/v1/login
- API docs can be found in https://github.com/thingaha/thingaha-web/tree/master/backend/docs
  • Start the test case
for linux, macOS -> go backend/bin and run -> ./start_test.sh
for windows -> go to backend\bin and run -> start_test.bat
  • For the Postman user, please import bin/db_seed/thingaha.postman_collection.json for API testing


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Main UI framework is Material UI. For component styling, styled-components is used.


Getting Started

  • First, install tools listed in pre-requisite section.
  • Then, set up the draft api server. We're using a draft api server with canned response before backend is ready
    • To set up draft api server, cd into the draft_server directory and install necessary node modules by running yarn install.
    • Then, run yarn start
    • The draft server is configured to run on port 9000. Try navigating to http://localhost:9000/users to see if draft server is working properly.
  • Then set up the frontend app.
    • To set up frontend dev server, cd into the frontend directory and install necessary node modules by running yarn install.
    • Then, run yarn start
    • The frontend dev server is configured to run on port 5001. Try navigating to http://localhost:5001/ to see the app in action.