
Rave's Android Drop In UI

Primary LanguageJava

Rave's Android Drop In UI

Rave's Android Drop-In is a readymade UI that allows you to accept card and bank payments in your Android app.

Screenshot of Drop-In

Before you begin


The minimum supported SDK version is 15

Adding it to your project

Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
     implementation 'com.github.Flutterwave:rave-android:1.0.48'

Step 3. Add the INTERNET permission to your android manifest

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />


1. Create a RavePayManager instance

Set the public key, encryption key and other required parameters. The RavePayManager accepts a mandatory instance of the calling Activity (or a Fragment that has a parent activity).

    new RavePayManager(activity).setAmount(amount)
function parameter type required
setAmount(amount) This is the amount to be charged from card/account double Required
setCountry(country) This is the route country for the transaction with respect to the currency. You can find a list of supported countries and currencies here String Required
setCurrency(currency) This is the specified currency to charge the card in String Required
setfName(fName) This is the first name of the card holder or the customer String Required
setlName(lName) This is the last name of the card holder or the customer String Required
setEmail(email) This is the email address of the customer String Required
setNarration(narration) This is a custom description added by the merchant. For Bank Transfer payments, this becomes the account name of the account to be paid into. See more details here. String Not Required
setPublicKey(publicKey) Merchant's public key. Get your merchant keys here for staging and live String Required
setEncryptionKey(encryptionKey) Merchant's encryption key. Get your merchant keys here for staging and live String Required
setTxRef(txRef) This is the unique reference, unique to the particular transaction being carried out. It is generated by the merchant for every transaction String Required
setPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) This is the customer's phone number. String Not Required
acceptAccountPayments(boolean) Set to true if you want to accept payments via bank accounts, else set to false. boolean Not Required
acceptCardPayments(boolean) Set to true if you want to accept payments via cards, else set to false boolean Not Required
acceptMpesaPayments(boolean) Set to true if you want to accept Mpesa payments, else set to false . For this option to work, you should set your country to KE and your currency to KES boolean Not Required
acceptGHMobileMoneyPayments(boolean) Set to true if you want to accept Ghana mobile money payments, else set to false . For this option to work, you should set your country to GH and your currency to GHS boolean Not Required
acceptUgMobileMoneyPayments(boolean) Set to true if you want to accept Uganda mobile money payments, else set to false . For this option to work, you should set your country to UG and your currency to UGX boolean Not Required
acceptZmMobileMoneyPayments(boolean) Set to true if you want to accept Zambia mobile money payments, else set to false . For this option to work, you should set your country to NG and your currency to ZMW. MTN is the only available network at the moment, see more details in the API documentation. boolean Not Required
acceptRwfMobileMoneyPayments(boolean) Set to true if you want to accept Rwanda mobile money payments, else set to false . For this option to work, you should set your country to NG and your currency to RWF. See more details in the API documentation. boolean Not Required
acceptUkPayments(boolean) Set to true if you want to accept UK Bank Account payments, else set to false . For this option to work, you should set your country to NG, set currency to GBP, set accountbank String, set accountname String, set accountnumber String, set is_uk_bank_charge2 true, set payment_type account. Please use your live credentials for this boolean Not Required
acceptAchPayments(boolean) Set to true if you want to accept US ACH charges from your customers, else set to false . For this option to work, you should set your country to US and your currency to USD. You also have to set acceptAccountPayments(true) boolean Not Required
acceptBankTransferPayments(boolean) Set to true if you want to accept payments via bank transfer from your customers, else set to false. This option is currently only available for Nigerian Naira.

Note: By default, the account numbers generated are dynamic. This method has been overloaded for more options as shown below:
  • To generate static (permanent) accounts instead, pass in true as a second parameter. E.g.
    acceptBankTransferPayments(true, true)
  • To generate accounts that expire at a certain date, or after a certain number of payments, pass in integer values for duration and frequency as such:
    acceptBankTransferPayments(true, duration, frequency)
You can get more details in the API documentation.

Optional overloads:
boolean, boolean

boolean, int, int
Not Required
acceptUssdPayments(boolean) Set to true if you want to accept payments via USSD transfer from your customers, else set to false . This option is currently only available for the Nigerian Naira. boolean Not Required
acceptBarterPayments(boolean) Set to true if you want to accept payments via Barter from your customers, else set to false. boolean Not Required
acceptFrancMobileMoneyPayments(boolean) Set to true if you want to accept Francophone mobile money payments, else set to false . For this option to work, you should set your country to NG and your currency to XOF for West African CFA franc like Ivory Coast OR XAF for Central African CFA franc like Cameroon . See more details in the API documentation. boolean Not Required
allowSaveCardFeature(boolean) Set to true if you want to give the user the option to save their cards for future transactions. This option helps them avoid retyping their card details for every transaction. Defaults to true. boolean Not Required
onStagingEnv(boolean) Set to true if you want your transactions to run in the staging environment otherwise set to false. Defaults to false boolean Not Required
setMeta(List<Meta>) Pass in any other custom data you wish to pass. It takes in a List of Meta objects List Not Required
setSubAccounts(List<SubAccount>) Pass in a List of SubAccount,if you want to split transaction fee with other people. Subaccounts are your vendors' accounts that you want to settle per transaction. To initialize a SubAccount class, do SubAccount(String subAccountId,String transactionSplitRatio) or SubAccount(String subAccountId,String transactionSplitRatio,String transactionChargeType, String transactionCharge) to also charge the subaccount a fee. Learn more about split payments and subaccounts. List<SubAccount> Not Required
setIsPreAuth(boolean) Set to true to preauthorise the transaction amount. Learn more about preauthourization. int Not Required
withTheme(styleId) Sets the theme of the UI. int Not Required
setPaymentPlan(payment_plan) If you want to do recurrent payment, this is the payment plan ID to use for the recurring payment, you can see how to create payment plans here and here. This is only available for card payments String Not Required
shouldDisplayFee(boolean) Set to false to not display a dialog for confirming total amount(including charge fee) that Rave will charge. By default this is set to true boolean Not Required
showStagingLabel(boolean) Set to false to not display a staging label when in staging environment. By default this is set to true boolean Not Required
initialize() Launch the Rave Payment UI N/A Required

Note: The order in which you call the methods for accepting different payment types is the order in which they will show in the UI.

2. Handle the response

In the calling activity, override the onActivityResult method to receive the payment response as shown below

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
     *  We advise you to do a further verification of transaction's details on your server to be
     *  sure everything checks out before providing service or goods.
    if (requestCode == RaveConstants.RAVE_REQUEST_CODE && data != null) {
        String message = data.getStringExtra("response");
        if (resultCode == RavePayActivity.RESULT_SUCCESS) {
            Toast.makeText(this, "SUCCESS " + message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        else if (resultCode == RavePayActivity.RESULT_ERROR) {
            Toast.makeText(this, "ERROR " + message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        else if (resultCode == RavePayActivity.RESULT_CANCELLED) {
            Toast.makeText(this, "CANCELLED " + message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    else {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

The intent's message object contains the raw JSON response from the Rave API. This can be parsed to retrieve any additional payment information needed. Typical success response can be found here and failed response here.

PLEASE NOTE We advise you to do a further verification of transaction's details on your server to be sure everything checks out before providing service or goods.

3. Customize the look

You can apply a new look by changing the color of certain parts of the UI to highlight your brand colors.

First specify the theme in your styles.xml file. In this theme, you can edit the style for each of the elements you'd like to style, like the pay button, OTP button, etc.

<style name="MyCustomTheme" parent="AppTheme.NoActionBar">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>
    <item name="OTPButtonStyle">@style/otpBtnStyle2</item>
    <item name="PayButtonStyle">@style/payBtnStyle2</item>
    <item name="OTPHeaderStyle">@style/otpHeaderStyle2</item>
    <item name="TabLayoutStyle">@style/tabLayoutStyle2</item>
    <item name="PinHeaderStyle">@style/pinHeaderStyle2</item>
    <item name="PaymentTileStyle">@style/myPaymentTileStyle</item>
    <item name="PaymentTileTextStyle">@style/myPaymentTileTextStyle</item>
    <item name="PaymentTileDividerStyle">@style/myPaymentTileDividerStyle</item>

Then in your RavePayManager setup, add .withTheme(<Reference to your style>) anywhere before calling the initialize() function. e.g.

 new RavePayManager(activity).setAmount(amount)

Configuring Proguard

To configure Proguard, add the following lines to your proguard configuration file. These will keep files related to this sdk

keepclasseswithmembers public class com.flutterwave.raveandroid.** { *; }
dontwarn com.flutterwave.raveandroid.card.CardFragment


Want to contribute?

Feel free to create issues and pull requests. The more concise the pull requests the better :)


Rave's Android DropIn UI
MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.