Primary LanguageR


The level set estimation and visualization.

  • Paper reference: Chen, Yen-Chi, Christopher R. Genovese, and Larry Wasserman. "Density Level Sets: Asymptotics, Inference, and Visualization." arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.05438 (2015).
  • Contact: yenchic@uw.edu
  • HDLV_RS.R is for Rstudio that allows a visualzation using the Shiny app.
  • HDLV.R is for ordinary R.
  • Example.R is an example running the script.



HDLV.default = function(data,h = NULL, lv_seq=NULL, lv_min=NULL, eps=1.0e-8, max.iterations=1000, cut=0.1, ...)

  • The main function for computing level set estimation and visualization.
  • Inputs:
    • data: Input data matrix.
    • h: Smoothing parameter. Default NULL will choose from the normal reference rule.
    • lv_seq: A sequence of density levels. Default NULL will choose from a sequence of level.
    • lv_min: Minimal density level (to stablized the level sets). Default NULL will pick 0.05*p_max.
    • eps: The tolerance. If mean shift moves less than this value, we will consider it done.
    • max.iterations: Maximal number of iteration for mean shift.
    • cut: The cut for heirachical clustering (we cut the dedrogram by height = cut*h).
  • Outputs:
    • An S4 object "HDLV" consisting of the following attributes:
      • data: The original data.
      • h: The smoothing parameter.
      • lv.min: The minimal level.
      • density: The density by kernel density estimator.
      • MS.labels: The cluster labels from mode clustering.
      • modes: The local modes corresopnding to each cluster.
      • sig.clu: The significant clusters (local modes).
      • lv_seq: The sequence of level sets.
      • size: The matrix for the sizes of each significant clusters at different density levels.
      • conn: The list of connectivity matrices at each density level.