
Handle installations of cpan modules via puppet

Primary LanguageRuby


Handle installations of cpan modules via puppet. The force parameter will allow stubborn modules to be installed unattended.

Usage Example

include cpan
cpan { "Clone::Closure":
  ensure  => present,
  require => Class['::cpan'],
  force   => true,

Package Management

To avoid conflicts with inhouse package management, use:

class {'cpan':
  manage_package => false,

Install Destination

To control target installation path, use:

class {'cpan':
  installdirs => 'vendor'

Any of site (default), perl and vendor are accepted.

To further control the location of installed modules, you can use local::lib:

cpan { 'Foo::Bar':
  ensure    => present,
  local_lib => '/opt',

This will install the module into /opt. Of course you need to adjust @INC of your code in order to use that new location, e.g. by using perl -Mlocal::lib=/opt myapp.pl.

You can also define the default value of local_lib for all cpan resources:

Cpan { local_lib => '/opt' }