
RPM .spec file to package RVM

Primary LanguageShell

This is basically a .spec file which builds and packages RVM and selected Rubies & Gems into a RPM. RVM is installed system-wide for all users and is ready to use immediately, with no compilation needed on the target machine.

Just clone this repo, customize the rubies and gems needed as indicated below and run (as user, not root!):


The `rvm-ruby.spec` file is based on <https://github.com/mdkent/rvm-rpm/blob/master/SPECS/rvm-ruby.spec>. I applied some customizations to make it compatibe with the small script I made to create the RPM. What i added is at the end of the `%install` section, beginning at

    # At this point, install of RVM is finished
    # Now install some rubies
    rvm install $ruby_tag
    rvm use $ruby_tag
    gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc

There, I added instructions to build and packages some rubies and gems i want to deploy on all my servers. Up to you to modify that for your own needs.

Tested with stable RVM version 1.20.10