todo app

A project for Manabie's testing

Project Structure

Feature complete
  • Add new task and save it to local database (SQLLite)
  • Mark complete/uncompleted task
Flutter version
  • Flutter (Channel stable, 2.0.0, on macOS 11.2.2 20D80 darwin-x64, locale en-VN)
Network call and local db
  • Local data lib:
  • When you create new repository class, it must be extend from BaseRepository class. And then register it in locator.dart file.
Dependency injection(DI) set up
Set up multi language
  • Step 1: Define your message in i18n_en.json and i18n_vi.json
  • Step 2: Mapping your key ( step 1) to app_lang.dart
  • Step 3: Using AppTranslations class to get message.
  • Visit main.dart and localization package to learn more about setup multi language
Add new image resource to project
  • Step 1: Copy your image to \assets\images
  • Step 2: Mapping image name to app_drawable.dart
Add new screen to project
  • Step 1: Visit template\create_new_screen_mvvm to create new screen
  • Step 2: We are using to generate flutter screen routing.
  • Step 3:From root of project, run this line to generate code: flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
  • Note: All screen must be extended from BaseScreen, all model class will be extend BaseViewModel class.
Add new data class ( for request and response api)
  • Step 1: Visit template\create_object_template to create new object
  • Step 2 :From root of project, run this line to generate code: flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Custom your widget
  • All custom widget will be in widget package and must be end by _widget (Ex: app_appbar_widget.dart).
  • Must use AppLogger class to write your log.
  • test/task_viewmodel_test.dart
  • On root project run flutter test
  • Android Studio
  • VS
  • Android: Using android studio to open \android folder and build the same with native platform
  • iOS: Using xcode to open \ios folder and build the same with native platform.