
A replacement for gitstatus.py used in the git-prompt oh-my-zsh plugin

Primary LanguageGo


After reading https://bennycwong.github.io/post/speeding-up-oh-my-zsh/ I was inspired to look at my own zsh for any python scripts that I could replace to improve the latency of my shell.


This program will be a binary that can be used to replace the gitstatus.py script in the git-prompt plugin of oh-my-zsh.


The gitstatus program produced does not yet correctly set all the variables necessary for it to be a replacement, nor is it faster than the python version of the script in some cases (yet).


go get
go install
which gitstatus

Then modify the ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git-prompt/git-prompt.plugin.zsh file and comment out

local gitstatus="$__GIT_PROMPT_DIR/gitstatus.py"
_GIT_STATUS=$(python ${gitstatus} 2>/dev/null)

and add in


obviously, replacing it with the path to your compiled and installed version of the gitstatus binary