
A tinydns puppet module

Primary LanguageRuby


This module can be used to manage tinydns data files


First get a copy of the module

cd /etc/puppet/modules
git clone git://github.com/yendor/puppet-tinydns.git tinydns

Also make sure you have your module path setup and plugin sync enabled


Include the setup class to get the command to rebuild the data.cdb file

include tinydns::setup

Add dns records based on the cr.yp.to/djbdns/tinydns-data.html format. The types are the types specified in that format

dnsrecord { "nameserver for thdojo":
  ensure => present,
  type => ".",
  fqdn => "thedojo",
  ipaddr => "",
  notify => Exec["rebuild-tinydns-data"]

dnsrecord { "puppet server for thdojo":
  ensure => present,
  type => ".",
  fqdn => "puppet.thedojo",
  ipaddr => "",
  notify => Exec["rebuild-tinydns-data"]

This assumes that you have a domain called thedojo and want to add an NS record for it at and setup puppet.thedojo as an A record.

If you want to setup reverse dns for the subnet you could add

dnsrecord { "reverse dns for subnet":
  ensure => present,
  type => ".",
  fqdn => "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa",
  ipaddr => "",
  notify => Exec["rebuild-tinydns-data"]

Once this is in, you can use the = dns record type to add forward and reverse dns records with one dnsrecord definition.

If you use exported resources then you can add a dns entry for all your servers using this class automatically by including this on all the servers

@@dnsrecord { "forward and reverse dns for $fqdn":
  ensure => "present",
  type => "=",
  fqdn => "$fqdn",
  ipaddr => "$ipaddress",
  ttl => 300,
  notify => Exec["rebuild-tinydns-data"]

Which will add forward and reverse dns entries for each machine with a TTL of 300 seconds.

Then on the actual dns server add

Dnsrecord <<| |>>

to collect all the dns records on the server


All the types of records specified in the tinydns-data format have been implemented aside from the Z record type.