✨ flask
✨ werkzeug.security
✨ flask_jwt_extended
✨ flasgger
✨ flask_sqlalchemy
✨ validators
✨ flask.json
Endpoint | Http Request Method | Body | Params | Args | Description |
/api/v1/auth/register | POST | {"username":"username","email":"example@mail.com","password":"M12345."} | Empty | Empty | It allows us to register the user. |
/api/v1/auth/login | POST | {"email":"example@mail.com","password":"M12345."} | Empty | Empty | It allows us to login. |
/api/v1/auth/me | GET | Empty | Empty | Empty | It returns our username and email information. |
/api/v1/auth/token/refresh | POST | Empty | Empty | Empty | Creates a new access token. |
/api/v1/bookmarks/ | GET | Empty | Empty | page=1&per_page=5 | Get bookmarks by pagination. |
/api/v1/bookmarks/ | POST | {"body":"Comlaf","url":"comlaf.com"} | Empty | Empty | Creates a bookmark. |
/api/v1/bookmarks/:id | GET | Empty | id:int | Empty | Get the bookmark by id. |
/api/v1/bookmarks/:id | PUT & PATCH | Empty | id:int | Empty | Update bookmark by id. |
/api/v1/bookmarks/:id | DELETE | Empty | id:int | Empty | Delete bookmark by id. |
/api/v1/bookmarks/stats | GET | Empty | Empty | Empty | Get bookmarks with visit information. |