
ML api predict house price wrapped in Docker and deployed to AWS ECS/Fargate | #DE |#ML

Primary LanguagePython



  • Develop a web service (ML api) can predict the price of house based on the Ames housing dataset. The web serice expose one end point that can take numerical input (79 variables json) and return prediction as output

  • Try the service!

# the service may not be accessible at the moment, since I closed down the AWS instances, stay tuned for the update!
$ curl
$ curl
$ curl
$ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d $(python script/get_test_json.py)


  • Flask as ML api server
  • Docker hub as service Docker repository
  • AWS ECS as container service run ML api via Docker
  • AWS Elastic Load Balancer automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets
  • AWS S3 as space storage models, ML output, and logs
  • Architecture idea : develop a dockerized ML API via flask and deploy the same API hundreds even millions times on the cloud. The usage of AWS Elastic Load Balancer(ELB) is for dealing with above scalability, the ELB will dispense heavy API requests to workers running on the ECS for returning the ML predicitons on time. Usage of AWS S3 as space saving models/outputs with versions. Can send the log to the AWS cloudwatch for the service dashboard. Can run the API on the AWS Fargate for its serverless advantage (quick develop, no ec2 managment costs) as well.


Local dev -> Local train -> Unit-test -> Docker build -> Travis (CI/CD) -> Deploy to Dockerhub  -> Deploy to AWS ECS -> Online train -> API ready

File structure

├── Dockerfile        : Dockerfile build web service (ML api)
├── Predict           : Main class for ML prediction
├── api               : API runner (flask web server)
├── data              : Train, and test data
├── log               : Service log file
├── model             : File storage trained models 
├── output            : File storage ML prediction output
├── requirements.txt  : Python dependency
├── script            : Helper scripts (parse json, upload files..)
└── tests             : Unit-test scripts
└── utils             : utils class for file/S3 IO..


  • Python3.6, Flask, scikit-learn, Pandas, Numpy, pytest
  • AWS ECS, ECR, Load Balancer
  • Docker
  • Travis
  • Git

Quick start

Quick start Docker
# Docker
$ docker build . -t house_pred_env
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 -it house_pred_env 
$ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/train
$ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d $(python script/get_test_json.py) http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/predict_with_input
Quick start maunally
# Maunally method I 
$ python api/app.py
$ python script/init_model.py
$ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d $(python script/get_test_json.py) http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/predict_with_input

# Maunally method II
$ python api/app.py
$ python script/init_model.py
$ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"MSSubClass":20.0,"LotFrontage":100.0,"LotArea":17500.0,"OverallQual":7.0,"OverallCond":8.0,"YearBuilt":1959.0,"YearRemodAdd":2002.0,"MasVnrArea":0.0,"BsmtFinSF1":1406.0,"BsmtFinSF2":0.0,"BsmtUnfSF":496.0,"TotalBsmtSF":1902.0,"1stFlrSF":1902.0,"2ndFlrSF":0.0,"LowQualFinSF":0.0,"GrLivArea":1902.0,"BsmtFullBath":1.0,"BsmtHalfBath":0.0,"FullBath":2.0,"HalfBath":0.0,"BedroomAbvGr":3.0,"KitchenAbvGr":1.0,"TotRmsAbvGrd":7.0,"Fireplaces":2.0,"GarageYrBlt":1959.0,"GarageCars":2.0,"GarageArea":567.0,"WoodDeckSF":0.0,"OpenPorchSF":207.0,"EnclosedPorch":162.0,"3SsnPorch":0.0,"ScreenPorch":0.0,"PoolArea":0.0,"MiscVal":0.0,"MoSold":5.0,"YrSold":2010.0}' http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/predict_with_input
Useage of the API
  1. API Helloworld
  • Endpoint: /
$ curl http://localhost:8000/
# API Hello World!
  1. Check API status
  • Endpoint: /REST/api/v1.0/health
$ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/health
# {
#   "api_status": "OK", 
#   "http_status": 200
# }
  1. API document
  • Endpoint: /REST/api/v1.0/doc
$ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/doc
  1. Train a model
  • Endpoint: /REST/api/v1.0/train
$ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/train
  1. Predict with test data
  • Endpoint: /REST/api/v1.0/predict
$ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/predict
  1. Predict with input json
  • Endpoint: /REST/api/v1.0/predict_with_input
$ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"MSSubClass":20.0,"LotFrontage":100.0,"LotArea":17500.0,"OverallQual":7.0,"OverallCond":8.0,"YearBuilt":1959.0,"YearRemodAdd":2002.0,"MasVnrArea":0.0,"BsmtFinSF1":1406.0,"BsmtFinSF2":0.0,"BsmtUnfSF":496.0,"TotalBsmtSF":1902.0,"1stFlrSF":1902.0,"2ndFlrSF":0.0,"LowQualFinSF":0.0,"GrLivArea":1902.0,"BsmtFullBath":1.0,"BsmtHalfBath":0.0,"FullBath":2.0,"HalfBath":0.0,"BedroomAbvGr":3.0,"KitchenAbvGr":1.0,"TotRmsAbvGrd":7.0,"Fireplaces":2.0,"GarageYrBlt":1959.0,"GarageCars":2.0,"GarageArea":567.0,"WoodDeckSF":0.0,"OpenPorchSF":207.0,"EnclosedPorch":162.0,"3SsnPorch":0.0,"ScreenPorch":0.0,"PoolArea":0.0,"MiscVal":0.0,"MoSold":5.0,"YrSold":2010.0}' http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/predict_with_input
  1. List trained models
  • Endpoint: /REST/api/v1.0/model_list
$ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/model_list
  1. List ML predictions
  • Endpoint: /REST/api/v1.0/predict_list
$ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/predict_list


# unit test 
$ pytest -v tests/
# ============================ test session starts =============================
# platform darwin -- Python 3.6.10, pytest-5.3.3, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/yennanliu/anaconda3/envs/yen_dev/bin/python
# cachedir: .pytest_cache
# rootdir: /Users/yennanliu/HousePricePredAPI
# collected 18 items                                                           

# tests/test_api.py::test_404_page_not_found PASSED                      [  5%]
# tests/test_api.py::test_api_helloworld PASSED                          [ 11%]
# tests/test_api.py::test_get_model_list PASSED                          [ 16%]
# tests/test_api.py::test_get_predict_list PASSED                        [ 22%]
# tests/test_api.py::test_train_house_price_model PASSED                 [ 27%]
# tests/test_api.py::test_predict_house_price PASSED                     [ 33%]
# tests/test_api.py::test_predict_house_price_with_input PASSED          [ 38%]
# tests/test_predict.py::test_list_model PASSED                          [ 44%]
# tests/test_predict.py::test_list_prediction PASSED                     [ 50%]
# tests/test_predict.py::test_save_model PASSED                          [ 55%]
# tests/test_predict.py::test_load_model PASSED                          [ 61%]
# tests/test_predict.py::test_process_data PASSED                        [ 66%]
# tests/test_predict.py::test_process_input_data PASSED                  [ 72%]
# tests/test_predict.py::test_prepare_train_data PASSED                  [ 77%]
# tests/test_predict.py::test_train PASSED                               [ 83%]
# tests/test_predict.py::test_predict PASSED                             [ 88%]
# tests/test_predict.py::test_predict_with_input PASSED                  [ 94%]
# tests/test_predict.py::test_predict_with_nonvalidated_input PASSED     [100%]

# ============================== warnings summary ==============================


  • Use Travis as CI/CD tool.
  • steps of CI/CD:
    1. Run unit-test
    2. Build dockerfile
    3. Deploy to DockerHub/AWS ECR
    4. Deploy to AWS ECS
    5. Update AWS ECS task, services
    6. API updated


RESTful status code
code comment example ref
1xx 1xx -> msg. Client request already been accepted or is processing by server
2xx 2xx -> SUCCESS. Client request already accepted and completed by server
3xx 3xx -> RE-DIRECT. Though client request already been accepted by server. But there some further operations needed
4xx 4xx -> ERROR. Some syntax errors in client request, or the request can't be processed for some reasons
5xx 5xx -> SERVER-ERROR. There are errors on server side when process the validated request from client


  • Fix return msg (api) when invalid input
  • Fix error handling
  • Fix data process logic
  • Fix model train, test evaluation logic
  • Fix duplicated class instantiation
  • Fix high level : inconsistency when update some model out of all models
  • Fast model IO
  • Automate whole process : dev -> test -> deploy to AWS
  • Offline training
  • Online training (when new input data, save the re-train model as new version)
  • Train (via API) with super-parameter / parameter
  • Output model as standard format
  • Track log

