
Taxi booking service built with Scala finatra | #SE

Primary LanguageScala


A taxi service built via Scala finatra framework

  • MVC model
    • model : prepare data schema
    • view : parse data structure for user interface
    • controller : handles interaction between user interface and backend
  • Functionality :
    • taxi booking
    • taxi status checks
    • taxi status reset
    • time processing
API Type Purpose Example cmd Comment
POST /api/book POST book a free taxi please check API endpoints Details below
POST /api/tick POST move 1 time unit forward curl http://localhost:8080/api/tick
POST /api/reset POST reset taxi booking status curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/api/reset
PUT /api/all PUT show all taxi status curl http://localhost:8080/api/all
PUT /admin PUT api admin UI http://localhost:9990/admin

1) File structure

File structure
├── README.md
├── build.sbt : build file
├── script : test py script
├── src    : main source file

├── main
│   └── scala
│       └── com
│           └── yen
│               └── TaxiService
│                   ├── common   : common funcs
│                   ├── controller : service controller handles REST request
│                   ├── model  : data model (case class)
│                   ├── service  : service handles taxi booking logic
│                   └── serviceApp.scala : main service app
└── test
    └── scala
        └── com
            └── yen
                └── TaxiService
                    ├── common : common funcs unit test
                    ├── model : model unit test
                    └── service : service unit test

2) Run

# method 1 : intellJ
# build, and run via intellJ (via build.sbt)

# method 2 : sbt
sbt build
sbt run

# method 3 : java cmd
# compile
sbt assembly
# run
java -cp \
target/scala-2.11/TaxiService-assembly-1.0.jar \

# tests
# unit test
sbt test

# functional test
# Run the test cases via below py script check whether your API works correctly
python3 script/basic_solution_checker.py

3) API endpoints Details

API endpoints Details

3-1) POST /api/book

  • Service offers nearest available car to the customer location and return the total time taken to travel from the current car location to customer location then to customer destination.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
          "source": {
            "x": 1,
            "y": 1
          "destination": {
            "x": 2,
            "y": 2
        }' \

3-2) POST /api/tick

  • Service offers /api/tick REST endpoint, when called should advance your service time stamp by 1 time unit.
curl http://localhost:8080/api/tick

3-3) PUT /api/reset

  • Service offers /api/reset REST endpoint, when called will reset all cars data back to the initial state regardless of cars that are currently booked.
curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/api/reset

3-4) Other endpoints

4) Dependency

  • Java 1.8
  • scala 2.11.8
  • finatra 21.1.0


  • Dockerize
  • refactoring
  • scalability
  • auto generated API doc

6) Ref