
Challenge Overview

About Spotify is an online music streaming service with over 140 million active users and over 30 million tracks. One of its popular features is the ability to create playlists, and the service currently hosts over 2 billion playlists.

This year's challenge focuses on music recommendation, specifically the challenge of automatic playlist continuation. By suggesting appropriate songs to add to a playlist, a Recommender System can increase user engagement by making playlist creation easier, as well as extending listening beyond the end of existing playlists.

The task

The goal of the challenge is to develop a system for the task of automatic playlist continuation. Given a set of playlist features, participants’ systems shall generate a list of recommended tracks that can be added to that playlist, thereby ‘continuing’ the playlist.

The dataset

As part of this challenge, Spotify has released the Million Playlist Dataset. It comprises a set of 1,000,000 playlists that have been created by Spotify users, and includes playlist titles, track listings and other metadata. In order to access the Million Playlist Dataset you will need to register for the challenge and agree to the license terms. Once you've registered you can download the data from the the dataset page.

File Structure

yennanliu@yennanliude-MacBook-Pro:~/spotify_recSys_challenge2018$ tree --si

├── [1.6k]
├── [ 192]  challenge.v1
├── [ 384]  data
├── [ 224]  ismpd
├── [ 931]
├── [  96]  ref
└── [  66]

Quick Start

# get the repo
$ git clone
#get the dataset 
$ python 

