
Python web crawler for Arm Mbed Components

Primary LanguagePython

Arm Mbed Components Crawler

A python web crawler that determines if an Mbed component's Hello World program uses the old Mbed library and outputs this data to an Excel sheet.


Logs are sorted into folders based on which mbed compile command was run to create the log. For example, for programs compiled with mbed compile -m K64F -t ARM, the log files are placed in the folder "K64F-logs" and each log file is named with the format: Username-RepoName-log.txt.

Each log contains the output of mbed compile -m <target> -t <toolchain> in addition to the Hello World Program's Mbed Developer site URL (added to the bottom of the file).


The "Components" sheet of the data.xlsx Excel workboook is organized by the following columns:

Note: The data in columns [A] - [H] were gathered via the Python web crawler script, Python Hello World testing script, & Python # of Imports script.

  • [A] Component Type: The type of Component (as listed on the Mbed Developer Components page)
  • [B] Component URL: The URL to the Component (relative to the Mbed Developer site)
  • [C] Hello World URL: The URL to the Component's Hello World mbed repository, if one exists (relative to the mbed Developer site)
  • [D] Is a library?: FALSE = the repo does not contain a main.cpp file meaning the program cannot be compiled, TRUE = the repo does contain a main.cpp file
  • [E] Contains mbed-os.lib?: FALSE = the repo contains an older version of Mbed OS, TRUE = the repo contains mbed OS 5 (mbed-os.lib)
  • [F] Compiled for K64F?: After removing the old Mbed OS and running mbed deploy - FAIL = the Hello World program failed to compile for K64F, SUCCESS = the Hello World program successfully compiled for K64F
  • [G] Compiled for LPC1768?: After removing the old Mbed OS and running mbed deploy - FAIL = the Hello World program failed to compile for LPC1768, SUCCESS = the Hello World program successfully compiled for LPC1768
  • [H] # of Imports: The number of imports the Component's Hello World repository has
  • [I] K64F main.cpp Errors?: True or False depending on if the Component's K64F log file contained compilation errors from main.cpp
  • [J] Success on one platform?: Excel macro that determines if the Hello World program had successful compilation on either the K64F or LPC1768 platforms, TRUE = compiled on at least one platform, FALSE = did not compile on either platform
  • [K] Mbed Team Member?: Excel macro that determines if the Hello World repo is owned by an Arm Mbed team member
    • Arm Mbed team members: /users/chris, /users/simon, /users/bridadan, /users/mbed_official, /users/Kojto, /users/sam_grove, /users/mbedAustin, /users/JimCarver, /users/andcor02, /teams/mbed-os-examples, /users/MACRUM, /users/Donatien
  • [L] Mbed Partner?: Excel macro that determines if the Hello World repo is owned by an Arm Mbed partner
    • Arm Mbed partners: /teams/ST, /users/nxp_ip, /teams/NXP, /teams/Freescale, /teams/AnalogDevices, /teams/Maxim-Integrated, /teams/ublox, /teams/WIZnet, /teams/Avnet, /users/ytsuboi, /users/Sissors, /users/Kaizen, /users/Jksoft
  • [M] Community Member?: Excel macro that determines if the Hello World repo is owned by an Arm Mbed community member

Update Methodology

The following steps can be used to update a component's Hello World repo:

  1. Clone the Hello World repo: hg clone {link to Mbed developer site repo}
  2. Remove the old Mbed OS library file (i.e. mbed.bld)
  3. Add Mbed OS 5 and update other libraries: mbed deploy
  4. Verify the program compiles: mbed compile -t {toolchain] -m {platform}
  5. Add the new mbed-os.lib file to the repo: hg add mbed-os.lib
  6. Commit the changes: hg commit
  7. Push the changes: hg push