- unit test for run game
- project structure
- docs in readme file
- migrate to string model in separate branch to compare
- cli tool to run the game?
- better strategies -> first move to center -> if possibility to win
- what is this repo about
- the instructions how to run the code
- Pull the repository
- Check the input game field
Your task is to implement TicTacToe class Methods:
getCurrentPlayerSymbol() should return x or o
nextTurn(row, col) should properly update class state (change current player, update marks storage etc.)
isFinished() - should return true if game is finished (e.g. there is a winner or it is a draw)
getWinner() should return winner symbol (x or o) or null if there is no winner yet
noMoreTurns() - should return true if there is no more fields to place a x or o
isDraw() should return true if there is no more turns and no winner
getFieldValue(row, col) should return matrix[row][col] value (if any) or null