Snake Game 🐍 : "SANKE GAME"

Primary LanguagePython

WELCOME TO CAU_OSS repository for TEAM 3 !

I. Simple Version(MVP) of Snake Game 🐍 : "SANKE GAME"

👀 Details about our implementation

  • A programming language used to implement the game : Python

  • A platform to run the game : Pygame

  • Tools used for the collaborative development : Notion & Discord & KaKaoTalk

  • Introduction for our game

    • i. If you successfully Load our game, you will see this Screen, “Main Menu”

      image image

      • By clicking SINGLE PLAY, you can START a new SINGLE-PLAYER game

      • By clicking DUAL PLAY, you can START a new DUAL-PLAYER game

      • By clicking AUTO PLAY, you can START a new AUTO-PLAY game

      • By clicking LOAD, you can RELOAD the SAVED game

        • If there is no saved game, button will not be clicked, like right image. (nothing will happen)
      • By clicking START, you can START the game

      image image

      • By clicking RANKING, the top-10 ranked player’s name and score are DISPLAYED

        • If there is no saved rank, It will display ‘There is No Rank’, like the right image.

        • If there are saved ranks, It will display them, like left image. (At most 10)

        • If you click QUIT here, you can go back to main menu.

      • By clicking QUIT, you can EXIT the game

    • ii. SINGLE-PLAYER GAME ! ( Game play screen looks like below )

      image image

      • If you want to PAUSE game during play, PRESS “ESC”

      • The game continues until the snake “dies”.

        • The snake dies by either

          • Running into the edge of the board,
          • Running into its own body
      • Once the snake dies, you will see this screen.


        • You can write your name by just typing it using the keyboard (Clicking the part is not necessary)

          • USE “BACKSPACE” first to ERASE THE DEFAULT displayed on middle of the screen, then write your name, and press “ENTER” to SAVE in RANKING! (Don’t Click GO MENU)
        • If you don’t want to write any name, then just click GO Main menu.

          • It will not store your data in RANKING and just return to main menu!
      • If you PAUSE the game, you will see this screen.


        • By clicking RESUME, you can RESUME the game
        • By clicking RESTART, you can START a NEW game
        • By clicking SAVE, you can SAVE the current game status and return to the main menu
        • By clicking QUIT, you can return to the main menu without saving the current game status
    • iii. DUAL-PLAYER GAME ! ( Game play screen looks like below )


      • Player 1 : LEFT UPPER snake, play with WSAD keyboard

      • Player 2 : RIGHT BOTTOM snake, play with direction key

      • If you want to PAUSE game during play, PRESS “ESC”

      • The game continues until the either one snake “dies”.

      • The snake dies by either

        • Running into the edge of the board,
        • Running into its own body, or each other.
      • Once a game is finished, you will see this screen.


        • You can see a simple pop-up message, which contains

          • THE WINNER
        • If you want to go back to main menu, then just click GO Main menu.

      • If you PAUSE the game, you will see this screen.


      • By clicking RESUME, you can RESUME the game

      • By clicking RESTART, you can START a NEW game

      • By clicking QUIT, you can return to the main menu without saving the current game status

    • iv. AUTO-MODE GAME ! ( Game play screen looks like below )


      • Basic Algorithm

        • Find food x, y coordinate.
        • First, move snake head to food x and then move snake head to food y.
        • if snake meet wall or snake’s body, it find new direction.
        • Look for directions, if it can, go in that direction.
      • The ONLY way the game can be over is when the snake makes ring-shaped. (there is no way to go because of its too long body)

      • If you PAUSE the game, you will see this screen.


      • By clicking RESUME, you can RESUME the game

      • By clicking RESTART, you can START a NEW game

      • By clicking QUIT, you can return to the main menu without saving the current game status

☝🏻 Guidelines to install and run our game

  • Our game is based on “pygame”! First, Install pygame on your computer.

  • Download zip file from our Public GitHub repository.

  • Go to the directory like below and run ‘simplified_snake_game.py’

    • Using cd, move to “CAU_OSS” directory in your own computer and access, open the file using below commands.

      • *If you use python instead of python3, use python as command! It depends on your computer develop environment.

        • Ex) \CAU_OSS> python .\snake_game\simplified_snake_game.py