
Resources about public speaking

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awesome-speaking Awesome

A collection of awesome resources about public speaking. Please read the contributing guideline if you wish to contribute.

Blog Posts



List of Call of Paper sites and services.


  • Toastmasters - An international non-profit educational organizations that facilitates the creation and growth of clubs around the world. The goal of the clubs is to improve the leadership and public speaking skills of members.


  • Awesome - A collection of awesome things curated by Sindre Sorhus
  • Awesome Community - A collection of awesome communities curated by Peter Kokot
  • Public Speaking - A collection of resources on presenting at technical conferences by VM Brasseur



  • Speaking.io - Tips for preparing your talk and get ready to deliver it
  • awesome-talks - a collection of awesome tech talks
  • We Are All Awesome! - a collection of interesting posts about speaking, preparing, motivation, etc
  • HelpMeAbstract - Get feedback from veteran speakers before you submit your talk.
  • Irongeek - A collection of information security talks.
  • Words to Time - Calculates how long a speech will take to present based on the number of words.