
php labs for BSUIR - Web Technologies

Primary LanguagePHP

The repository was created to put the labs for Web Technology (HTML/CSS/PHP/MySql/Apache).

  1. 5 HTML/CSS pages (addaptive for mobile phones, using forms)
  2. PHP "basics" (arrays/ strings/ GET and POST and other)
  3. PHP "files and forms" (shop base/ primitive server file manager)
  4. PHP "regular expressions" (email filter in input text)
  5. PHP "DB mysql" (calendar/ task manager -> data stores in mysql DB) + simple admin panel (with mysql)
  6. PHP "Session + Cookies" (registration/login/logout + DB of registered users)
  7. PHP "Email" (send email for users in DB)
  8. PHP "Site statictics"

+Web-site (with login/templ constructor/from and email/DB/Server Statistics)