[DEPRECATED] Grunt task - Automagically wire-up installed Bower components into your RequireJS config
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#43 opened by AndersDJohnson - 1
Aborted due to warnings
#42 opened by oussama-benmahmoud - 1
Minification Question
#40 opened by chrisjbrown - 0
Fatal error:spawn bower ENOENT
#39 opened by sm0king - 1
- 2
Config file not created
#35 opened by pcfreak30 - 5
Paths created with double quotes
#37 opened by Robinfr - 2
- 2
A path to require.js is not created in your rjsConfig file after installing grunt-bower-requirejs.
#25 opened by bakkujp - 4
prefix function for module ids
#31 opened by silkimen - 3
cdnify support
#13 opened by kryptt - 3
- 2
bower_components custom location
#28 opened by crishushu - 4
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Option to avoid overwriting customized paths
#34 opened by andyinabox - 2
Loading multimodule package does not work
#27 opened by feklee - 8
Rename grunt task to 'bower-requirejs' or similar
#30 opened by hstolte - 1
- 0
Add option to exclude dev-dependencies
#22 opened by bezoerb - 10
RequireJS config file not created
#24 opened by amiceli - 4
- 1
Respect formatting/code style
#20 opened by mikkotikkanen - 2
The global `require` property
#19 opened by johngeorgewright - 1
Failed to read existing bower.json
#18 opened by timmarinin - 1
use minified file
#16 opened by sjorobekov - 3
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Add note about bower hooks
#11 opened by thomaswelton - 0
- 0
baseURL mismatch feature improvements
#8 opened by jraller - 1
requires bower ~0.x
#6 opened by nbubna - 10
Fix: install bower if only necessary
#5 opened by danielfttorres - 3
auto-create rjsConfig file
#3 opened by AndersDJohnson - 1
Ignore the comment in existing config file
#4 opened by fsylum - 1
Generate shims
#2 opened by rikkertkoppes - 5
Incorrect main path chosen
#1 opened by slavafomin