
A Postman collection for SolarEdge API

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SolarEdge PostMan Collection

A Postman collection for SolarEdge API

drawing API in drawing


This collection requires some Postman variables to be setup before usage.

Variable Example Description
SITE_ID 1 Your SolarEdge Site ID. You can see this when you are logged into the website.
INVERTER_SN 12345678-00 Inverter Serial Number. You can find that from the inventory.
START_DATE 2018-05-01 You can get this from the Site Energy – Time Period call
END_DATE 2018-05-09 You can get this from the Site Energy – Time Period call
START_DATE_TIME 2018-05-2%2000:00:00 You can get this from the Site Energy – Time Period call. Note the day value is not zero padded.
END_DATE_TIME 2018-05-8%2011:00:00 You can get this from the Site Energy – Time Period call.Note the day value is not zero padded.