
A place to view and share LogRabbit public filters.

Welcome to LogRabbit

This site is for community shared LogRabbit filters. LogRabbit is an Android logcat viewer for Mac. To learn more visit LogRabbit.com or visit the Mac App Store.

Log Rabbit Shared Filters

This is a place to view and share LogRabbit filters and ideas. If you have a LogRabbit filter or idea that you would like to share create a Pull Request or open an issue and describe/attach filter and I will merge it in.

For general LogRabbit tips have a look at the LogRabbit Playlist on YouTube.

Message Content

Name Description
Exceptions All Exceptions
HasNote Shows all messages that contain notes
JsonMessage List messages that look like JSON video


Name Description
StrictMode Filter Strict Mode Messages

Log Levels

Name Description
LogLevelDebug Show logs at log level D,I,W,E,F,A
LogLevelError Show logs at log level E,F,A
LogLevelInfo Show logs at log level I,W,E,F,A
LogLevelVerbose Show logs at log level V,D,I,W,E,F,A
LogLevelWarn Show logs at log level W,E,F,A