
A CLI tool to help manage the flow of developing on gitlab.

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A CLI tool to help manage the flow of developing on gitlab. The difference between this and git-flow is that gitlab-flow would operate remote(gitlab) resources like: milestone, issue, merge request and branch. Importantly, if your team using gitlab-flow together, gitlab-flow could help you to synchronize others development data by using milestoneId or interactive mode.


Before you install gitlab-flow, you need apply a gitlab application on your gitlab server.

  1. Go to your gitlab Preferences -> Applications.
  2. Input Name and Redirect URI (http://localhost:2333/callback).
  3. Choose scopes: api, read_user, read_repository, read_registry.
  4. Click Save application.
  5. Copy Application Id and Secret.

Now, you got Application Id and Secret.

There is no precompiled binary to install directly, so you need to install by yourself.

BIN=gitlab-flow \ # or any name you like
bash install.sh

Bash/Zsh Completion

gitlab-flow using urfave/cli, so you can use complete command to generate completion script.

  1. Download urfave/cli completion script to a file from auto-completion
  2. Copy the content of the file to your shell folders.
  3. Source the file in your shell profile file.
# zsh completion for example
# download completion script
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/urfave/cli/master/autocomplete/zsh_autocomplete -o ~/.oh-my-zsh/cache/completions/gitlab-flow

# source the file in your .zshrc
echo "source ~/.oh-my-zsh/cache/completions/gitlab-flow" >> ~/.zshrc

# activate the completion
source ~/.zshrc

More help information, you can find in urfave/cli bash completion.


gitlab-flow [-c, --conf `path/to/confpath/`] init
# Notice here, global flag is before subcommand `init` or others.
# -c only need a directory path not file path.

Access Token

❗️❗️❗️NOTICE: since 1.7.0 gitlab-flow use OAuth2 access token instead of personal access token.

!!! Before initialize gitlab-flow, you must have a custom-compiled gitlab-flow executable binary which contains appId and appSecret of gitlab application on your gitlab server.

After you initialize gitlab-flow on your machine, it will automatically request OAuth credentials from your gitlab server.

Host: The domain of your gitlab server. such as https://git.example.com

API Host: The API path to your gitlab server. such as: https://git.example.com/api/v4/. You can find it in: https://git.example.com/help/api/README.md. This page provide some example for you to request gitlab API, so you got host.

CLI Help

$ flow -h
   gitlab-flow - CLI tool

   flows [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   A tool for managing gitlab Feature/Milestone/Issue/MergeRequest as gitlab-flow.

   yeqown <yeqown@gmail.com>

   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command
     dash  overview of local development
     feature  managing the works in developing.
     hotfix   managing the works in hotfix.
     init  initialize gitlab-flow, generate default config file and sqlite DB related to the path

   --conf path/to/file, -c path/to/file  choose which path/to/file to load (default: ~/.gitlab-flow)
   --cwd path/to/file                         choose which path/to/file to load (default: /Users/med/projects/opensource/gitlab-flow)
   --debug                                    verbose mode (default: false)
   --project projectName, -p projectName      input projectName to locate which project should be operate. (default: gitlab-flow)
   --force-remote                             query project from remote not from local. This should be used when project name is duplicated, and could not found from local. (default: false)
   --web                                      open web browser automatically or not (default: false)
   --help, -h                                 show help (default: false)
   --version, -v                              print the version (default: false)

This section records the documents of gitlab-flow, including the design, the usage, the development and the release.

CHANGELOG.md records the changes of each version.