
This is the final project for the subject AI for Machine Learning.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

AIML - Final Project - Team 2


  • Team number: 2


  1. 유나현, Student ID: 20196#84, Github user: nahyunryou
  2. 정종오, Student ID: 20172#82, Github user: jongoh-Jeong
  3. Yeray Cordero, Student ID: 50221#70, Github user: yeray142
  4. 정영주, Student ID: 20180#94, Github user: ojoo-J


This repository contains the final project documentation and Jupyter notebooks from the subject AI for Machine Learning during the 2nd Semester 2022 at Chung-Ang University (중앙대학교).


  1. /docs/: Documentation and presentation files.
  2. /data/: Datasets used.
  3. /notebooks/: Notebooks used to solve the problem.



The competition we have decided to work on is named AI Competition for Predicting Delinquency of Credit Card Users (In Korean: 월간 데이콘 신용카드 사용자 연체 예측 AI 경진대회) and it is host in Dacon. Feel free the check it out here (in Korean).


The goal of this competition is to develop an algorithm that predicts the degree of delinquency of credit card users based on their credit card usage data.


The competition results are evaluated using multi-class logarithmic loss. It's a classification problem.

Final Report

Check out our final report of this competition in this Notion page.