Password Manager

A simple password manager implemented in C++. This program allows users to create and manage passwords for different files.

Table of Contents


The Password Manager project is a console-based application that provides basic password management functionalities. Users can create, edit, delete, search, and organize passwords within a secure password manager file.


Create New Password Manager File:

  1. Choose option (1) in the main menu.
  2. Enter a new file name when prompted.
  3. Follow the instructions to create a password and set up the password manager.

Open Password Manager File:

  1. Choose option (2) in the main menu.
  2. Enter the name of the existing password manager file.
  3. Provide the correct password to access the password manager functionalities.


Choose option (3) in the main menu to exit the program.


The password manager provides the following functionalities:

  • Create Passwords: Users can create passwords for specific files.
  • Generate Passwords: Users can generate random passwords for different files.
  • Search Passwords: Search for passwords based on category, title, or both.
  • Sort Passwords: Sort passwords alphabetically by category and title.
  • Edit Passwords: Modify existing passwords within the password manager file.
  • Delete Passwords: Remove passwords from the password manager file.
  • Add Categories: Organize passwords by adding categories.
  • Delete Categories: Remove entire categories along with associated passwords.

Video Presentations

Creating Password Manager File And Opening It:

  • File Name: NameNew
  • Created Password: NewPassword123!!!

Generating and Adding Password to a Password Manager File:

  • Password Category: Temp
  • Password Title: Temp
  • Password Login: TemporaryLogin
  • Generated Password: cm$&55*jR+g78Lt