Money Transfer API

This repository hosts a money transfer api.

Money Transfer Api documentation

You can find api documentation in doc/index.html and open-api definition in doc/money-transfer.yaml


  1. Kotlin 1.3.41 (

  2. Routes and server with Ktor (

  3. Sql operations with Exposed (

  4. Database with PosgresSql(

  5. Dependency Injection with KodeIn (

  6. Testing with Junit5 (

  7. Mock lib with Mockk (

General Usage Instructions

Ensure that GNU Make is installed.

  1. Start All Services

    $ make start-all
  2. Stop All Services

    $ make stop-all


  1. Unit Test

    $ make unit-test
  2. In order to run integration test is necessary to export db-container host and stubby container host

    $ make export-containers-host
  3. Integration Test:

    1. Generate Artifact

      $ make build
    2. Start all-services

      $ make start-all
    3. Run Integration test

      $ make integration-test