
ESP8266 Remote Terminal web emulator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


ESP8266 Remote Terminal web emulator


(not useful yet)

what it is

This is an embryo of a terminal emulator that runs in the browser for programs on the esp8266, in a way, it's like a "telnet" client but runs in the browser.

At the moment, against all judgement it uses jsonp as mechanism to do requests. TODO: Change to use websocket!

TODO: implement vt100/xansi (use jballards js implementation?) TODO: graphical "terminal" (svg?/html/img)


Go to file:///home/.../esp-rterm/esp-rterm.html in the browser

linux> node simesp.js

similar projects/resources

(based on)

(oterm, run on your server to access it remotely)

(xterm, js emulator)

(socket.io/websocket enabled vt100 terminal)