
Add smooth water waves to your view.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


Add pretty and smooth waves to your views!

The wave can be added to any type of view.


How to use

  1. Download and copy the WXWaveView folder with the source code in it to your project.

  2. Initialize WXWaveView with method " addToView:withFrame: "

     self.waveView = [WXWaveView addToView:headerView withFrame:CGRectMake(0, CGRectGetHeight(headerView.frame) - 10, CGRectGetWidth(headerView.frame), 10)];

    Of course, you can just give CGRectZero to the method above and use Auto Layout to define its frame.

  3. Perform the method wave when you want it to animate.

     [self.waveView wave];

That's it!

BTW, there are something your can do to customize the wave.

  1. The time when the wave lasts. When it is set to zero, the wave will never stop. Default is 1.5.

     self.waveView.waveTime = 0.f;  
  2. The color of the wave. Default is white.

     self.waveView.waveColor = [UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor];
  3. The speed of the wave. Default is 9.

     self.waveView.waveSpeed = 20.f;
  4. The angular speed of the wave. Default is 2.

     self.waveView.angularSpeed = 1.8f;
  5. You can also stop the wave manually with the method stop whenever you want.

     [self.waveView stop];

Recently I find it amusing to make it a loading view :

Have fun~


WXWaveView is inspired by KYWaterWaveView. Thanks KittenYang and his contributions.


WXWaveView is released under MIT License.