Tool for Neural Architecture Search using the DARTS algorithm and Population-Based-Training from Ray Tune

Primary LanguagePython


Scaling and Distributing Neural Architecture Search (NAS) Algorithms with the distributed machine learning framework Ray.


Running experiments

1. Basics

Can search for CNN and RNN architectures from the same entry-point: main.py

First choose algorithm from darts, enas, or random, which correspond to differentiable architecture search, efficient neural architecture search, and a simple random sample based approach which simplifies NAS to hyperparameter tuning.

To search for CNN architecture for cifar10 with DARTS,

python main.py darts cnn --dataset cifar10 --layers 2 --cuda

To search for RNN architecture for ptb with ENAS,

python main.py enas rnn --num_blocks 4 --cuda

To search for CNN architecture for cifar10 with simple random NAS,

python main.py random cnn --dataset cifar10 --cuda

2. Logging details / Monitoring live training progress

Monitor runs in ray dashboard, or by launching tensorboard in the experiment directory created by Ray Tune:

tensorboard --logdir="~/ray_results/exp/"

3. Visualizing Searched Architectures

Find the location of the run which generated the desired architecture and run the entry-point in visualize mode:

python main.py viz --load <path_to_trial> --viz

General Arguments for All NAS algorithms


To Do

    • RNN implementation
    • Results
  • ENAS
    • CNN implementation
    • Results
  • RandomNAS
    • Search Space expansion for CNN
    • RNN implementation
    • Results