
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Git Challenge


Please have installed Nodejs https://nodejs.org/es/download/

Getting started

Note: Do not forget to clone the repo first. Execute these commands to run the tests.

First intall the dependencies

npm i

Then execute the tests locally with

npm test

Challenge Statement

Before to start your implementation create a branch (checking out from the feature/power branch).

First of all, try to run the tests (check the getting started section for more info).

Screen Shot 2022-03-17 at 18 11 16

Once you run them, you will see that the power test is failling, damn it! So here comes your task:

Implement the function to power numbers. For example: 5 ^ 2 = 25. Where 5 and 2 are the inputs for the function and should return the power of the operation 25.

Check the src/math.js file, as you can see there is only one function named sum, you will have to implement the power function. If everything is working you will now see that all tests are succeding.

Finally, create a pull request from your branch to main and send the URL to the learning slack channel. Do not hesitate to ask questions related to the exercise but not over the solution.

Have Fun.
