
Small selenium workshop for ICESI's Software Engineering class

Primary LanguageJava

Selenium Workshop

Small selenium workshop for ICESI's Software Engineering class

The challenge

After the presentation about UI tests, E2E tests, POM, AAA and BDD, you have to create a UI test following the next specification:

Scenario: Open Facebook's Page
    Given a user logged in the application
    When he searches Universidad Ingeniería de Sistemas - Universidad Icesi
    And he posts a comment
    Then the post should be loaded
    When he clicks on send a direct message button
    Then he sent a message

You will have to use some of the following selectors

[data-testid=info_panel] a
[data-testid=composer_root] > div div[aria-autocomplete]
[data-testid=info_panel] img


The base url for the project and the Web Driver to use can be configured by modifying the src/test/resources/test.properties file

  • You will need to specify the path to the Chrome Web Driver using the pathToChromeDriver property. By default the path is the project root.
  • You will need to set a facebook email and password valid

Note: you can download the chromedriver in https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads if you are getting troubles with the chromedriver that are in the root project. Remember that you should use the same chromedriver of your chrome version

Getting Started

This project has included a maven wrapper. So, to run the test, just execute the following command:

mvnw.cmd test

For a linux based environment, execute:

./mvnw test