
Bluetooth Keyboard & Mouse Emulator for Kali NetHunter

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

B A D B T | Bluetooth Ducky


  • Python3
  • python3-bluez


  • Backup existing /usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service and place bluetooth.service to the same path
  • Copy org.thanhle.btkbservice.conf to /etc/dbus-1/system.d
  • Execute sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • Execute sudo systemctl restart bluetooth
        python btk_server.py -n [BT_NAME] -i [INTERFACE]

        Default Values:
                BT_NAME:        Keyboard
                INTERFACE:      hci0

  • Execute sudo python btk_server.py to start the server.
  • Execute python ducky.py -d [rubberducky_script_path] to inject rubberducky script.