- 0
Most code examples on Persistent page don't compile due to missing language extensions
#282 opened by smheidrich - 0
Migrations example on Persistent page doesn't compile due to entityDefs not being defined
#280 opened by smheidrich - 0
- 9
- 2
Yesod Typeclass docs incorrectly say "The default value of approot is ApprootRelative"
#270 opened by jfly - 2
Outdated environment-variables page
#265 opened by louislebrault - 1
PersistField vs. PersistValue
#262 opened by StevenXL - 1
Possible mismatch between text and code example
#259 opened by eahlberg - 3
Include Getting Started Information
#256 opened by finlaydotb - 1
Remove yesod init since it is deprecated
#257 opened by dadepo - 3
Book example of Yesod.Auth.Email needs updating / needs further instructions
#241 opened by benjamingoldstein - 4
- 3
- 1 domain is probably misconfigured
#238 opened by elelel - 0
Julius example missing rawJS with newIdent
#230 opened by jezen - 0
- 6
Mozilla Persona has shut down
#187 opened by javra - 2
- 4
Unable to install yesod dev libraries
#216 opened by wizzardx - 4
- 1
Broken Link in the Chapter on Persistent
#209 opened by hyperpape - 3
Yesod Book 1.4 --> 1.6
#204 opened by pythonissam - 6
NULL=NULL is NULL in Postgres
#199 opened by deviant-logic - 3
- 3
Error following through with Form section
#193 opened by chrissound - 1
- 2
Incorrect formatting of code
#189 opened by chrissound - 3
*{...} hamlet syntax
#186 opened by javra - 2
build failure on Ubuntu armhf virtual builder
#181 opened by LocutusOfBorg - 1
Yesod book website is down
#178 opened by psibi - 5
Add attributes to nested route
#175 opened by maxigit - 3
- 2
The type YesodDB in the persistent chapter is wrong.
#174 opened by kbr- - 8
Yesod Book is now NC-ND licensed‽
#126 opened by wolftune - 2
Create a "Deploying with Docker" chapter
#168 opened by m-renaud - 3
Deployment chapter makes no mention of Stack
#140 opened by magnusmorton - 0
Persistent: No mention of sum types.
#163 opened by m-renaud - 1
Add working credentials to GoogleEmail2 example
#152 opened by amitaibu - 2
- 4
O'Reilly ebook update cycle?
#145 opened by venteto - 4
Getting Rating A from the SSL Server Test
#136 opened by kazu-yamamoto - 3
Zoom broken on Safari
#129 opened by erikkaplun - 6
Render/display issues
#100 opened by Davorak - 3
Error compiling blog example
#121 opened by KevinKelley - 9
Chat example is broken
#114 opened by z2v - 1
Chapter "Widgets": text about inserting Julius scripts
#109 opened by z2v - 5
Lost changes
#105 opened by z2v - 5
Default time values in Yesod with PostgreSQL
#107 opened by bholst - 1
Header adding middleware problem
#101 opened by kaiko - 0
weird wording woes
#96 opened by yuvallanger