An application template based on jQuery Mobile and Cordova PhoneGap, featuring an Android Holo styled interface.
- Application template based on jQuery Mobile 1.4 and Cordova PhoneGap 3.3.
- Android Holo Theme look (including sources for Holo Dark and Holo Light).
- Toast messages.
- Share intent.
- Google Play Store intent.
- Home button simulator.
- Retrieve current package version that is set in the manifest file.
- Navigation Drawer.
- Android 4.0.0 (API 14) and higher.
- It is an Eclipse project, so you need to use Eclipse or convert the project to another IDE.
- Gimp images files (XCF) to make your own PNG/JPG files.
- Full HTML, CSS, and JavaScript sources.
See my blog about this: Working example can be found on Google Play Store. It is my own app DroidPapers:
- Set in both index_smartphone.html and index_tablet.html the value "window.phonegapExcluded" to true. - Exclude the scripts that are mentioned below "". The scripts are: cordova.js, backgroundService-x.x.x.js and cordova_custom_plugins.js. - Upload the contents of the www folder from the project to your webhosting. - Start developing! - jpHolo Smartphone: - jpHolo Tablet: - Documentation. - Upgrade to Cordova PhoneGap 3.3.0. - Upgrade to jQuery Mobile 1.4.2. - Upgrade to jQuery 2.1.0. - Dropped support for Gingerbread (it might still work, but you will have to test it yourself). - Added Service Boot listener. - Added URI Receiver. - Added Chrome ADB support for ChromeView. - Added Amazon Appstore support in Appstore plugin. - Improved code of many plugins. - Moved from the energize.js plugin to the Fastclick.js plugin (improved tap behavior). - Improved swipe settings of jQuery Mobile. - Improved custom CSS. - Added a way to store previous page id. - Changed to one holo theme. - Implemented press effect of buttons with CSS instead of images (easy implementing own color now). - When clicking a list item in a panel, the panel always closes now. - Moved custom PhoneGap plugins to the folder: org.teusink.jpholo. - Replaced sliders with the new flipswitches. - Upgrade to jQuery Mobile 1.4.0. - Upgrade to PhoneGap 3.3.0. - Chrome Remote Debugging. - Multi-language. - Remove of energize.js due to incompatibilities with ChromeView in Android KitKat 4.4. - Some small changes and improvements. - Changed the core scripts and html files a bit to make easy transfer to a webhosting possible. See the instructions above. - Upgraded to the new PhoneGap 3.1.0 framework. - Added system specifications on second page (Holo Dark). - Added event (swipe to right) to open left panel menu. - Bit better screen estate usage for smaller tablets. - Added Holo Light theme header and icons (theme complete now). - Improved theme. Also included a picture of all jQuery Mobile theme swatches. - Moved JavaScript and onclick listeners from HTML files to JavaScript files. - Changed function "getPackageVersion" to a callback function. - Renamed jpHolo related JavaScript libraries and CSS files. - Added PhoneGap plugin: AndroidPreferences. - Added PhoneGap plugin: BackgroundService ( ), with thanks to Red-Folder. - Added Android Service feature (based on plugin BackgroundService) to demonstrate the way how to incorporate a service in a web-app. - Reinstated the back-button handling to before. HomeButton plugin is still included, but not used. - Changed PhoneGap plugins a bit with logging (nothing special). - Back-button does not exit app any more, but push it to background (saves reloading). When Android does not have enough memory it will eventually push the app out of memory. - When left panel opens the header icon changes to the opened style. Like Google meant it. - Included 2 new image files because of the change above. - When a panel opens, non-contextual action bar buttons hide (and show when panel closes). Like Google meant it :). - Changed energize.js a bit. Anchor tags aren't speed up now to prevent click events being fired twice. Moved from minified version to normal version. - Added a note to application.smartphone.css when using virtual keyboard in your app. - Improved click energizer (energize-min.js). - Completed all references on homepage. - Remove jQuery Mobile pop-up. - Removed not needed files. - Improved logging commands (, console.warn, console.error, instead of console.log only). - Footer action buttons height fix. - Removed reference to non-existing script. - Made example (menu items, toasts etc.) bit more better to understand. - Added Appstore plugin to invoke an intent to open Play Store. - Added PackageVersion plugin to get current package version set in manifest file in Android. - Changed right navigation drawer with menu items to demonstrate the two new plugins. - Upgraded package to Android 4.3 (API 18). - Add the new (and all) Roboto TrueType fonts. - Improved icon images with new Roboto font. - Improved CSS a bit due to new fonts. - Upgrade to jQuery Mobile 1.3.2. - Paved the way for PhoneGap 3.0.0. Project is still using PhoneGap 2.9.0. - improved Gimp image resource files (easier to adjust app title) - improved interface (icon title button) - added non-minified custom jQuery Mobile Theme - removed Holo light images (they will return improved) - more image resources - fixed tablet layout not showing - renamed style.css to application.css - renamed style_tablet to application.splitview.css - added application.tablet.css - added application.smartphone.css - merged jQuery Mobile settings to (loaded before jQuery Mobile loads) - merged functions_before.js and functions_after.js to application.core.js (loaded at the end of all other scripts) - updated energize.js from: - included function that executes a piece of code AFTER the deviceready event has been fired. - GUI now better imitates native look and feel (including action bar resizing with landscape mode) - Now using official color codes that are selected by Google for Holo - renamed entire app and code from JQM-Example to jpHolo (adjusted images also) - Added to GitHub public repo now - Added tablet view support. - Improved Holo colors. - Changed app to remove the blink issue (meta viewport). App now functions without blinking. - PhoneGap 2.7.0 - Improved JavaScript code with JSLint - Changed panel behaviour to the official Google style presented at Google I/O 2013. - Initial releaseThis program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU LesserGeneral Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. To read more about the GNU Lesser General Public License that belongs to this program, see