CUDA kernel functions

Primary LanguageCuda



  • Windows 10 laptop
  • CPU 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11375H @ 3.30GHz (cpu)
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU (gpu)

CUDA Vector Add(Completed)

  • 1d_VectorAdd_ex.cu (Vector Sum)

CUDA Matrix Multiplication(need debug)

  • cublas_gemm_ex.cu (GEMM from Cublas lib)
  • kernel_gemm_ex.cu (CUDA Kernel GEMM)
  • kernel_gemm_sharedmem.cu (CUDA Kernel GEMM (using shared memory))
  • kernel_gemm_tiled.cu (CUDA Kernel GEMM (using shared memory)tiled method for square)
  • kernel_gemm_tiled_rect.cu (CUDA Kernel GEMM (using shared memory)tiled method for rectangle)
  • compare_gemms.cu (Performace Evaluation Code)
  • kernel_gemm_int8.cu (CUDA Kernel GEMM for int8 data type)
  • openMP_gemm.cpp (openMP GEMM with Transpose for cache friendly)
  • opencv_gemm_ex.cpp (GEMM from OpenCV lib)
  • Performace Evaluation for A[1024, 1024] * B[1024, 1024] = C[1024, 1024]
    • on GPU(wo : without data transfer time for Device)
      • cublas wo = 1.075 [ms]
      • kernel wo = 4.844 [ms]
      • kernel sm wo = 2.678 [ms] (tiled)
      • kernel sm2 wo = 3.014 [ms] (tiled_rect)
    • on CPU(T : Transpose for cache friendly)
      • OpenCV = 585.577 [ms]
      • cpu wo T = 2426.978 [ms]
      • openMP wo T = 549.573 [ms]
      • cpu w T = 1318.835 [ms]
      • openMP w t = 214.211 [ms]

CUDA Bicubic Interpolation(Completed)

  • bicubic.cu
    • based on pytorch bicubic algorithm
    • validation results with pytorch up-sample

CUDA Matrix Transpose(Completed)

  • Matrix Transpose kernel
    • naive transpose
    • tiled transpose
    • tilde coalesced transpose using by shared memory
    • tilde coalesced padded transpose using by shared memory

CUDA Reduction(on progress)

  • Reduction kernel
    • interleaved addressing with divergent branching
    • interleaved addressing with bank conflicts
    • sequential addressing
    • first add during global load
    • unroll last warp
